A Fine Reprisal (NSFW)
It seems that Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi’s recent screed about how women not wearing the hijab, jilbab, and abaya causes disasters such as earthquakes resonated poorly with many women in the Civilized World. One of these outraged women, Jennifer McCreight, a double major in genetics and evolution at Purdue University, has come up with a fine test of the Islamist’s theory and an equally fine reprisal against him and his misogynistic prudery. She calls it Boobquake.
On Monday, April 26, 2010, Ms. McCreight and tens of thousands of other women have pledged to put Sedighi’s claims to the test. They will wear their most cleavage revealing tops – alternately their shortest skirts, dresses, or shorts in the case of some of the bootylicious attendees – and see if doing so causes an earthquake.
From the Journal & Courier:
A Purdue University student is asking women around the world Monday to show a little cleavage, or some short shorts, as a humorous test to disprove an Iranian cleric’s theory that immodest dress has the power to make the Earth shake.
She calls it “boobquake,” and it has become an Internet and international sensation in just a few days.
Jennifer McCreight, a double major in genetics and evolution, was incredulous when she read news reports Monday that Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi said promiscuous women were responsible for earthquakes.
This seems to me to be a wonderful idea. Not only is it a stinging reprisal against Sedighi’s – and Islam’s – attitude about the form and flesh of women, it’s an interesting method of scientifically testing and refuting the Islamist’s claims.
In The Name Of Science, I Offer My Boobs
This is definitely the sort of protest and science experiment that I want to observe because, even if it’s ineffective, it’s still a beautiful thing. However, while the above women suit my tastes in cleavage displays, Ms. McCreight’s sensitivities and preferences are somewhat different.
I also hate the ideal of “big boobs are always better!” The cleavage joke was just a result of me personally having cleavage, and that being my choice of immodesty. And I thought “boobquake” just sounded funny.
— Jennifer McCreight
A quick clarification about Boobquake
And Ms. McCreight has a solid point in her opinion. Bigger is not always better, or at least not a hard and fast necessity for beauty or sexiness. Certainly not being particularly busty is no barrier at all to displaying the sort of immodesty that Ms. McCreight needs for he study and that the Islamists hate and fear so much.
Much as I said to the women of Iran in an earlier post, let the beauty of your flesh, the flash of your eyes, and promise of your hips set the very earth to quivering with joy. 😉
Tags: Beauty | Boobquake | Breasts | Cleavage | Disasters | Intolerance | Iran | Islam | Islamists | McCreight | Misogyny | Muslims | Religion | Science | Sedighi | Sex | Society | Women
April 24th, 2010 at 1:55 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jonolan, jonolan. jonolan said: New Post – A Fine Reprisal (NSFW) – http://tinyurl.com/3ayjvwx […]
April 25th, 2010 at 3:33 pm
It’s a funny theory for many reasons. One is of course that Iran has their women covered up more than most countries but they also have more quakes than the average. And Brazil is practically a quake-free zone. So maybe it’s the other way around. Allah peeks down on all those Iranian women and gets nothing. All that frustration must go somewhere, right?
April 25th, 2010 at 4:37 pm
It could well be, Paradigm, though Brazil has more than it’s fair share of natural disasters.
Assuming that Allah’s wrath isn’t solely reserved for Muslims, I’d think Los Angeles’ and San Fransisco’s continued existence are more than proof enough that neither immodesty nor any form of depravity is going to bring divine wrath upon a city.
April 25th, 2010 at 10:17 pm
Perhaps Allah has very specific fetishes.
April 26th, 2010 at 4:47 am
Possibly, Jay. That would certainly explain all the huriyah (houri) in His paradise. 😉