We Can & Should Cure That

We Can & Should Cure That
We Can & Should Cure That

In my rarely humble opinion, this is symptomatic of a societal plague – a pandemic of mental, emotional, and sexual abuse of children. And, the law and it’s enforcers be damned, we have the cure for it since the Second Amendment is partially for providing for our common defense in the absence or refusal of the Legislative Branch doing so. And, protecting our children by removing very obvious threats to their welfare is surely within the purview and limits of our Common Defense.

“No God would call it a sin” may be an exaggeration. Moloch and/or Baal might be against removing these threats to our children. Hence either or both might consider it a sin to do so.

And please do remember that the parents that bring their children to where these freaks are eager to “interact” with them are as much or more a danger to those children as the freaks themselves.

Tantum Pro Defensio Filiis

I don’t care who with or how anyone has sex as long as they’re both consenting adults or consenting, age-gap-appropriate near-adults, and that they’re doing it behind closed doors, either at home or in a venue where this behavior is expected and is children-free. I doubt that the vast majority of Americans feels any different. Just remember, take no action except in defense of the children, and neither support nor excuse any others’ action that do not abide by the restriction.

A large percentage – probably still most of them – of both queers and BDSM sorts are perfectly normal people aside from their sexual proclivities. So, why would anyone take any sort of action against them just for that. It’s very close to only the sorts that engage in Pride demonstrations that are the problem, and which need to be corrected for.

In my opinion, all any American should do is to force the Pride sorts to walk it back from the level of pedophilia, grooming, and child abuse that they’ve reached. And, force in some form is needed. They won’t do it on their own and will only get more extreme and disgusting if not stopped. Every time Americans allow them to safely do something, these sorts will go further – because being seen as unacceptable by Americans is important to them – more important it seems than anything else.

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We’re Proud Of You

We’re Proud Of You, Bi Girls

Really! You’ve got to hand it to bisexual girls. Even though they’re the most despised by other sorts of LGBTQ+ types, they just keep on going, largely ignoring the ongoing opprobrium of the less normal and commensurately more strident sorts in the queer community.

You’ve Nothing To Be Ashamed Of At All

It’s so bad that they actually had to make Bisexual Awareness Week to provide them their own “safe space” and to call attention to their actual, separate existence. But, these babes just keep going on about their love lives, largely just shrugging over the loathing, hatred, and alienation they receive from the Pride freaks.

I truly believe that the queers invented the term and sub-group, Pansexuals, just to differentiate between normal bisexual women – and their normalcy is a large part of why the various varieties queers dislike them – and the “appropriately” freakish, outre, and offensive ones.

In Point Of Fact, We Like You

But straight and bisexual men like bi girls. Most of us actually prefer them to straight girls, if only slightly in most of our cases.

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That Queer Ass Chimera


So, once again it’s Pride Month. So, once again the queer ass chimera that is the semi-official grouping of all the real and imagined aberrant sexualities will be regularly gathering together in public spaces and pridefully engaging in disturbing practices of public indecency, more and more of which will be aimed specifically at children. Lovely. 🙁

But then, this has to be expected by normal people. The queers’ – and by that I mean those sexual aberrants who are actively part whole of that whole “culture” – have always been about being offensive to normal people in the most garish manners possible.

Queerness isn’t just about who you want to fuck, you know? Being queer is still fundamentally rooted in having a political resistance to hegemonic ideas of how humans ought to be. And it’s about whether or not you’re an ‘acceptable’ human.

Ass. Prof. Robin Dembroff

Oh yes. This is about the dark and evil side of pridefulness. The ones engaging in the spectacles aren’t just saying that they’re not ashamed of their sexuality; they actively waging a war of sorts against any form of respectability and decency. As they see it, being indecent and actively and publicly offensive to normal people is a core part of being non-heterosexual, i.e., queer. That, of course, course means that, as people become desensitized to their behaviors – or are forced into silence through violence or the threat thereof – these queers will perforce go to further extremes, e.g., the current queer trend towards targeting children. They have to. A pillar of their identity is rebelling against normative acceptability. Hence, they’re in a degenerative feedback loop.

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The Only Right Attitude

This Is The Only Right Attitude
This Is The Only Right Attitude

“We’re better than you.” This is in my researched, considered opinion the only right attitude for an American to have. Anyone inside our nation’s borders who doesn’t have this attitude is a drain upon America, an enemy of America, and a threat to America. As such, they should be driven out of our nation or reduced and destroyed.

And, for any foreigners who might read this: replace “America” with the name of your own nation. The right attitude should always be that your nation, your culture, and your people are better than others, most definitely including America and Americans.

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LGBT Pride Breakfast

LGBT Pride Breakfast
LGBT Pride Breakfast

As I’ve proudly said before, I support LGBT. As such, during June I regularly have a LGBT Pride Breakfast. That’d be, of course, Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, and Tomato on lightly toasted multigrain bread. 😉 And yeah, this year I switched to the multigrain bread to improve my Diversity and Inclusivity.

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