We Can & Should Cure That

We Can & Should Cure That
We Can & Should Cure That

In my rarely humble opinion, this is symptomatic of a societal plague – a pandemic of mental, emotional, and sexual abuse of children. And, the law and it’s enforcers be damned, we have the cure for it since the Second Amendment is partially for providing for our common defense in the absence or refusal of the Legislative Branch doing so. And, protecting our children by removing very obvious threats to their welfare is surely within the purview and limits of our Common Defense.

“No God would call it a sin” may be an exaggeration. Moloch and/or Baal might be against removing these threats to our children. Hence either or both might consider it a sin to do so.

And please do remember that the parents that bring their children to where these freaks are eager to “interact” with them are as much or more a danger to those children as the freaks themselves.

Tantum Pro Defensio Filiis

I don’t care who with or how anyone has sex as long as they’re both consenting adults or consenting, age-gap-appropriate near-adults, and that they’re doing it behind closed doors, either at home or in a venue where this behavior is expected and is children-free. I doubt that the vast majority of Americans feels any different. Just remember, take no action except in defense of the children, and neither support nor excuse any others’ action that do not abide by the restriction.

A large percentage – probably still most of them – of both queers and BDSM sorts are perfectly normal people aside from their sexual proclivities. So, why would anyone take any sort of action against them just for that. It’s very close to only the sorts that engage in Pride demonstrations that are the problem, and which need to be corrected for.

In my opinion, all any American should do is to force the Pride sorts to walk it back from the level of pedophilia, grooming, and child abuse that they’ve reached. And, force in some form is needed. They won’t do it on their own and will only get more extreme and disgusting if not stopped. Every time Americans allow them to safely do something, these sorts will go further – because being seen as unacceptable by Americans is important to them – more important it seems than anything else.

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Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns
Best Traditional Easter Treat – Hot Cross Buns

The best Easter treat is hot cross buns provided by one of your loving women. Even better when it’s the culmination of a three-day passion play, starting with her mortification and crucifixion. 👿

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Hard Choices

Hard Choices
Hard Choices Are Hard

One might have to be a longtime fan of certain sorts of manga and anime, and/or the western fiction that is predicated upon them, to really get this one. Still, I think most of us can recognize the struggle. 😉 Those among our population who are into or “allied with” those into BDSM really understand it, though somewhat differently.

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Meatloaf! Meatloaf!

The Best Safe word To Use Is “Meatloaf”

Really! I think this should be the meme for- and refrain of 2020. Meatloaf! Meatloaf! Meatloaf! A cry that should be heard across our beleaguered land.

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We Will Bitch About Anything

hibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything
Shibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything

I believe that, while fundamentally true, Descarte’s famous philosophical statement, “cogito, ergo sum” can be more practically, in today’s world, be expressed as, “I complain, bitch, whine, and get offended, therefore I am.” We will seemingly bitch about anything and everything, even when – or, possibly especially when – doing so detracts or distracts from what is enjoyable or beautiful.

A perfect example of this is Japanese Rope Bondage. Many call it Shibari, while many others call it Kinbaku. And both camps are quite quick and vicious in their attacks upon the other. Also, since this is a Western (gaijin) issue, there are also the normal pack of SJWs stridently denouncing both camps for Cultural Appropriation. 🙄

Yeah, we will bitch about anything.

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