Vintage Japanese Prison Porn

Vintage Japanese Prison Porn
Vintage Japanese Prison Porn

I love and laugh at this, though I’m fully cognizant of how few people will understand why I find this funny, or why in the world I titled it “Vintage Japanese Prison Porn.”

So, let me explicate…

Why Vintage Japanese Prison Porn

  • The art style is a fusion of Western Cartoon and Japanese Ukiyo-e, which also influenced Western art;
  • She’s obviously a high-ranking Yakuza, probably an oyabun, given her level of tattooing;
  • The origin of Yakuzas’ tattooing is from 17th-19th Centuries Japanese practice of irezumi kei (tattoo penalty), where criminals were tattooed as part of their punishment;
  • She’s tied up Shibari or Kinabku style – you pendants can argue about which term is right – which was derived from Hojōjutsu, a method of restraining, torturing, and displaying prisoners in feudal Japan.

So, there you have it – why my humor and snark was engaged by this image and why I’ve titled it here as “Vintage Japanese Prison Porn.” 😉

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We Will Bitch About Anything

hibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything
Shibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything

I believe that, while fundamentally true, Descarte’s famous philosophical statement, “cogito, ergo sum” can be more practically, in today’s world, be expressed as, “I complain, bitch, whine, and get offended, therefore I am.” We will seemingly bitch about anything and everything, even when – or, possibly especially when – doing so detracts or distracts from what is enjoyable or beautiful.

A perfect example of this is Japanese Rope Bondage. Many call it Shibari, while many others call it Kinbaku. And both camps are quite quick and vicious in their attacks upon the other. Also, since this is a Western (gaijin) issue, there are also the normal pack of SJWs stridently denouncing both camps for Cultural Appropriation. 🙄

Yeah, we will bitch about anything.

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