Of Lizzo And The Flute

Of Lizzo And The Flute
Of Lizzo And The Flute

There’s been a more than reasonable amount of rather strident commentary about Lizzo aka Melissa Viviane Jefferson being allowed to play James Madison’s crystal flute. None of it makes much sense to me beyond people just using it to rather pointlessly signal their patriotism to either America or her domestic enemies.

Because please! Someone tell me how a Negress getting her mouth on a White slaveowner’s instrument in order to better her situation is anything novel, anything for the Dems and their Blacks to crow about, or for the average American to rant over? I’ll wait. 😉

Oh, and by the way – or by the by-blow as the case may be – Lizzo’s a Jefferson, which might just mean something given his preferences. So, since Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were close friends, there’s even less cause for commentary.


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Use The Magic Word

Now Use The Magic Word To Get What You Want
Now Use The Magic Word To Get What You Want

Well, somebody taught the young ones this. I’m not sure if it was the “parents,” the Leftist groomers who infiltrated America’s schools, or just the “influencers” on social media. But, somebody taught the younger end of Millennials and all of Gen Z that “I’m offended” are magic words that they can scream to get them anything that they want.

Sadly, nobody has yet taught most of them that magic words are just words. Or that a fist, boot, or weapon to your mouth will shut them up right quick more often than not. 😉

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We Will Bitch About Anything

hibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything
Shibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything

I believe that, while fundamentally true, Descarte’s famous philosophical statement, “cogito, ergo sum” can be more practically, in today’s world, be expressed as, “I complain, bitch, whine, and get offended, therefore I am.” We will seemingly bitch about anything and everything, even when – or, possibly especially when – doing so detracts or distracts from what is enjoyable or beautiful.

A perfect example of this is Japanese Rope Bondage. Many call it Shibari, while many others call it Kinbaku. And both camps are quite quick and vicious in their attacks upon the other. Also, since this is a Western (gaijin) issue, there are also the normal pack of SJWs stridently denouncing both camps for Cultural Appropriation. 🙄

Yeah, we will bitch about anything.

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SJW’s In A Nutshell

SJW’s In A Nutshell

What makes this video equal parts hilarious and maddening is that it’s so close to the objective truth of what’s happening and what’s heinously wrong with American society in these latter, degenerate days. Sure, I doubt that any comic or speaker ever had to suffer through all of these attacks by the ever-offended SJW’s in so rapid of succession, but we’ve all seen them be assaulted in each of these ways repeatedly.

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What’s In A Name?

What's In A Name? Apparently, a lot to some of the more sensitized sort
What’s In A Name?

Yes! This sums up the monumental hypocrisy of America’s domestic enemies, the Liberal, Progressives, and those sorts that they pander to- and enable. They behave in such a manner that it became reasonable for ESPN to change who was providing play-by-play commentating for a college football game because his name was Robert Lee. Yet, for eight years they decried any American who didn’t like the POTUS’ middle name being Hussein as a bigot, racist, and Islamophobe.

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