What's Political Correctness?

What's Political Correctness?
What’s Political Correctness?

There’s a lot of specific ways to phrase this truth, but the one above is as good as any of them. Political Correctness is giving up you own opinion to please assholes or, at least, censoring what you say or do in order to propitiate them.

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Enforcing Gleichschaltung

Dems Enforcing Gleichschaltung
Dems And Their SA Enforcing Gleichschaltung

As Americans have witnessed and all to often been subject to in recent years, the Democrats and their media outlets are more than both willing and capable of enforcing Gleichschaltung. And, as every sane person fully expected, it’s growing worse and more overt since the Dems overthrew the American government and installed the Biden-Harris regime.

And, it’s not something that could happen here; it is something that is happening here! For far too long, in willful blindness to the Democrats’ ever-increasing encroachment upon the fundamental rights and mores of our nation, good citizens have looked on and did nothing as the Democrats and those sorts who support them have chipped away at the foundations of America.

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Conformity Not Unity

Conformity Not Unity

After over 4 years of trying to prevent Donald Trump from taking the Presidency, and then trying everything and anything to remove him from office, the Dems are now calling for unity and broad support for the likely-to-be incoming Biden-Harris regime.

Well, except that they’re demanding conformity, not requesting unity. Not that unity is something that they could ever achieve, even among their own. One need only ask Ocasio-Cortez or ask Democrat politicians about her to see the stark disunity among them.

But yet, even with chaos and discord among their own cabals, there’s plenty of talk about Democrats compiling lists of Americans and American companies to be “held accountable” for supporting President Trump. It’s even made international news due to the threat to democracy it poses.

Ironic, isn’t it, that the first things Dems do after claiming that President Trump was a threat to democracy, is to take pages from Franco, Stalin, and Hoffa’s playbooks?

Now, truth be bluntly told, I’d normally ignore the Dems’ rants in this. Bombast and threats of reprisals are normal for those who think, after a struggle, that they are the victors. But, as thing are, with: #BlackLivesMatter, #Antifa, #CancelCulture, and the various forms of violence they’ve perpetrated against Americans, I don’t believe this threat can be downplayed or ignored.

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The War On Whiteness


The War On Whiteness
(Click to Enlarge)

The singular good thing about these degenerate times is that the Left and their minorities have finally gone so far and become so blatant in their anti-White racism that Americans have finally woken up to the fact that they are in a race war and are being targeted for eradication, subjugation, or dispossession.

The attack on Whiteness today is not a spare-time hobby of a few nostalgic haters with too much time on their hands. Rather, it is a concerted—often paid—effort to humiliate, invalidate, demonize, and devalue the White community. There is a whole industry that has been constructed around hating White people, staffed by those who have invested immense intellectual and economic resources into making their hatred of Whiteness bear fruit in society. These people do not belong to any one racial group. Not even to any one ethnic, national, or religious group. Rather, they belong to a broad ideological group: Equalitarianism. These people have used their influence and control of information to create a culture of anti-White hatred in society today.

The White Experience

It’s very, very true that there’s now a multi-billion dollar Anti-White industry within America’s borders. It’s infiltrated and suborned countless verticals in both the public and private sectors.

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture even made and published – it’s been since taken down due to being too overt and honest – a convenient chart of what exactly the Blacks and their “woke” allies are against:

Oh No! Whiteness! It’s So Bad!

Yes, according to the Blacks and their “woke” allies/enablers good parenting, maintaining a stable family, having well-raised children, individual self-sufficiency, rational thought, discipline, planning, goal orientation, and effective leadership are all “White” and are all suspect, if not outright “wrong” and “racist.” As such, those who express these traits must be disadvantaged in order to promote the Blacks, who seem not to be willing to behave these ways.

Then again, they did manage to clearly define the basis of “White Privilege;” it being a collection of beliefs and actions exhibited by the majority of Whites that leads more often than not to multi-generational progress and success.

So remember, they’re not just a war with Whites; they’re at war with fundamental behaviors and attitudes of Whiteness.

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Fake But Believable


Fake But Believable

Yeah, this is originally from The Babylon Bee, which is a satire site much in a similar vein to The Onion and Duffel Blog. It’s sadly believable though. The sorts running Hollywood are the sorts who would do something like stripping Schindler’s List of its Best Motion Picture award for not having enough LGBTQ+ characters, people of color, and other “oppressed groups.”

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