The meaning of conservatism is not that it impedes movement forward and upward, but that it impedes movement backwards and downwards – to chaotic darkness and the return to a primitive state.
jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
jonolan on Yeah, I Was Right: “Thanks. Got to admit though, I’m not that happy to be right this time. While I loath Democrats et al,…” Jul 25, 09:36
Tyler, the Portly Politico on Bikini Interlude 92: “I find that kind of effortless (and somewhat modest) Beauty far more enticing and attractive than the girls with the…” Jul 23, 09:36
I’d say this was just sarcasm, but I’m no longer sure if it is. The Democrats, Democrat-adjacent Leftists, and the various groups that are likely to vote for Dems really do seem like they’d do anything to see President Trump incarcerated and/or destroyed completely. They are so deranged that, if they were told that eating cat shit would put President Trump behind bars, I would not in the least be shocked if they not only did it but flooded social media, especially TikTok with videos of them doing so. 🙄
This entry was posted on Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 10:13 am and is filed under Politics.
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Sadly, this isn’t newsworthy any longer. It’s just another college student on a campus – this particular one happens to at NYU in Manhattan – openly calling for the death of Jews. It’s not even particularly unusual or brazen for it be waving a sign indicating that Jews are trash to be disposed of. This is the current normal.
Understand that almost 2/3rds of college students believe that Hamas’ Oct 7th attack was genocidal, but just over half of them believe that it was justified. But, of course, just over half of college students are adamant that Israel is committing genocide and that there can be no justification for it.
This is what the colleges and universities, all committed to Leftist ideologies, have wrought. This is what they endorse. This is damn close to being what they demand, given how they attack any other position.
This entry was posted on Friday, March 29th, 2024 at 11:29 am and is filed under Politics, Society.
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The majority of people, both Americans and Democrats, don’t think that Creepy Uncle Joe and Co. have accomplished much of anything since he was installed into office. That thought, however, isn’t really fair at all. Biden’s accomplishments are broad in scope and far reaching in impact.
And, thing for Americans to remember is that, for the Left most of these are accomplishments. Biden has accomplished many key steps in the Democrats’ plan to reduce the power, wealth, and importance of America. Honestly, I’m fairly certain that the only reasons the Left isn’t more in open support of Biden are that he isn’t seen by them as aggressive, confrontational, and authoritarian enough; and that he didn’t actively aid Hamas after October 7, 2023.
This entry was posted on Saturday, February 24th, 2024 at 8:02 am and is filed under 2024 Elections, Politics.
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Our domestic enemies, the vast majority of which vote for Democrats, keep striving to enact socialism upon our nation. But, as history and current events keep showing us, socialism is not just a failure as an economic system, it is failure. It has never worked at above the township level and, barring a dramatic change in human nature, it never will.
OK, maybe under our future AI overlords and their robotic enforcers it might work. But we’re not there yet.
Socialism is just a way for incompetent and/or corrupt politicians and political parties to get themselves elected by swearing to give their proles “the other guy’s money.” It doesn’t solve any problems. In fact, it causes more because the wealthy and productive emigrate out of those failed states as soon as they can. This is something that California has already found out and are using their version of the Reich Flight Tax (Reichsfluchtsteuer) to ameliorate the effects of.
Socialism and its offers of “social programs” are just an indication that the government in question is made up of politically incompetent or corrupt individuals, and is unable or unwilling to offer real solutions to political crises, both real and manufactured; instead, throwing the other guy’s money at the whatever the situation is or is declared to be.
As I said, socialism is failure and the admission of such when enacted by an existing government.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023 at 11:31 am and is filed under Politics.
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AOC’s degeneracy is a perfect symbol for the degeneration and decline in anything resembling American thought amongst the younger, dumber Democrats. It only took two generations for AOC to be spawned and then to blithely turn JFK’s famous speech to the world on its head.
And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
— President John F. Kennedy
That was back in 1961. But now it’s 2023 and things, especially Democrats, are not the same. They’re not even close to the same, with thing’s like AOC being poor mockeries of even Democrat form and function.
“I ask you to think about the last time a person said — has said in this country that the government does too much for them.
— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Yeah, it’s pretty bad when a Dem will stand before Congress and blithely say things like that. But, it’s simply a sign of the times and the escalating degeneracy of those that identify as Democrats.
This entry was posted on Sunday, May 28th, 2023 at 5:30 am and is filed under Politics.
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