Dems Would Do Anything

Dems Would Do Anything To Destroy President Trump
Dems Would Do Anything To Destroy President Trump

I’d say this was just sarcasm, but I’m no longer sure if it is. The Democrats, Democrat-adjacent Leftists, and the various groups that are likely to vote for Dems really do seem like they’d do anything to see President Trump incarcerated and/or destroyed completely. They are so deranged that, if they were told that eating cat shit would put President Trump behind bars, I would not in the least be shocked if they not only did it but flooded social media, especially TikTok with videos of them doing so. 🙄

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Texas Destroys Taco Harvest

Mexican Taco Harvest

What with the ongoing faux saga in Texas, I’m sure that there are Democrats wringing their hands right now and gnashing their teeth, bemoaning how Gov. Abbott is destroying the taco harvest. And yeah, I’m only sort of kidding. A large number of Democrats, especially those in California, likely do think that tacos are harvested from orchards. 🙄

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Biden Didn't Trip & Fall

Biden Didn't Trip & Fall
Biden Didn’t Trip & Fall

Yeah, Creepy Uncle Joe didn’t trip and fall again; he merely stumbled over his last speech… to the embarrassment of America. And no, I’m not talking about his stutter. There’s little to no point in insulting a person over an actual neurological disability. But Biden’s gaffes and stupid, off-script mumblings, are legendary and, given what his installment as POTUS has done to geopolitics, a clear and present danger to the Free World.

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Wrong Bumbling Idiocy

Wrong Bumbling Idiocy
Your Complaining About The Wrong Bumbling Idiocy

As of May 31, 2022 due to a California Appellate Court overruling a lower court’s legal decision, Four species of bumblebees – the Crotch’s bumblebee, the Franklin’s bumblebee, the Suckley’s cuckoo bumblebee and the Western bumblebee – are now eligible to officially become endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). This means that the California Fish and Game Commission will now have a certain amount jurisdiction over those 4 species of bumblebee and their protection. Assuming, of course, that this decision isn’t overturned by a higher court.

Bombus crotchiiBombus franklini

The Poor Beleaguered Fish In Question

So yeah, for now and possibly for some time, bees are legally fish. And yeah, a lot of people are seriously lampooning the CA Appellate Court’s obvious and rank stupidity is declaring them so. But… all the complaints, insults, and jokes are misplaced. The bumbling idiocy happened way back in 1970.

The California Endangered Species Act was designed to protect “native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant.” But, in 1970 when the law was actually written the definition of “fish” was written as, “a wild fish, mollusk, crustacean, invertebrate, amphibian, or part, spawn, or ovum of any of those animals.” While it is patently obvious to anyone who can read for comprehension that “invertebrate” was meant to be limited to marine and aquatic ones, e.g., corals, sponges, and sea urchins, that’s not what was written into law.

Although the term fish is colloquially and commonly understood to refer to aquatic species, the term of art employed by the Legislature in the definition of fish in section 45 is not so limited.

Associate Justice Ronald B. Robie

The important part of the portion of the ruling shown above is Term of Art. And in the legal field those terms have specific, explicit meanings, not implied ones. Purposivism will, far more often than not, fall before Textualism in the Courts.

In this case, the statutory definition of fish states it means a “wild fish, mollusk, crustacean, invertebrate, amphibian, or part, spawn, or ovum of any of those animals.” The statute may have an implicit limitation to marine and aquatic creatures, but the legislators didn’t state that explicitly, meaning no such limitation actually exists.

Frankly, if judicial error happened, it was by the lower court that ruled that bees aren’t per the term of art in play fish. So, if anyone should be lampooned, it should be the Legislature, who wrote a piss-poor law using hasty language and without thought of potential use case scenarios.

Nor, I choose to add, is this the first time the fishiness of a species has come into legal debate. One need only turn to the 1818 Maurice v. Judd case in NYC, where the court ruled that, statutorily speaking, whales were fish.

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Incredibly Bad For Biden

Things Look Incredibly Bad For Biden

Things look incredibly bad for Biden (Pun very much intended) in that he’s got what should be an insurmountable credibility problem due to his raging mental incompetence and his own and his handlers’ stupidity. It’s reached such a climactic nadir that even the Democrats’ own Lamestream Media is reporting upon, if woefully.

Yeah, when NBC’s Chuck Todd laments the words and actions of a Democrat “POTUS” and MSM enhances that signal, that’s incredibly bad. I’m nigh on incredulous of how incredibly bad Biden’s credibility must be considered for this to have happened. 😆

“Well, look, I think he’s got a pretty big credibility crisis on his hands,” Todd said on NBC’s “Sunday Today.” “Because all of these problems, in some ways, showed up after he said something basically the exact opposite.”

Todd, who is also NBC News’s political director, mentioned the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, which he noted Biden told Americans would not be “messy” and would not look like Saigon in 1976.

On coronavirus vaccine boosters, Biden “came out and essentially indicated eight months, maybe as soon as six months … now, we’re not sure if anyone under 65 is going to get a booster shot,” Todd continued.

And on the border, where thousands of migrants are camped out in squalid conditions under a bridge in Texas, Todd said it has become “pretty clear we have a bigger problem now than we’ve had in years, and these policies have turned into becoming a magnet.”

And the sad part is that Todd is right. Everything major that has been happening since the Democrats installed Creepy Uncle Joe in the White House has been something Biden said absolutely wouldn’t happen. I’m pretty sure that he hasn’t been right once!

So, that’s incredibly bad for Biden and those who are running his “Presidency.”

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