Our New Niqab
I’d like you to pause a moment or three and think about this. Those masks that so many of us are wearing all the time we’re away from home? They’re our new niqabs! And yeah, I’m betting there’s a bunch of old, Muslim men laughing their asses off over it.
PPE Masks – Our New Niqab
There’s a lot of similarity between our masks and niqabs. Aside from the fact that both cover the lower half or more of one’s face, the demand to wear them is quite similar. Both PPE and niqabs are required for the protection of others, not of the ones wearing them. The former to protect against the spread of COVID-19 and the latter to ward against triggering “uncontrollable” lust in Muslim males.
The nature of the proscription against bare faces and the “moral” component applied to it is the first thing you should think about.
Versus The Actual Niqab Of The Muslim World
And, of course, like any other mandatory clothing item, designers of both our and the Muslims’ niqab try to make them interesting and attractive, i.e., commercially viable. True, with at least 1400 years more experience, the Muslims are better at it than the West is so far. But, we’ll catch up with them because haram is haram and people want attractive clothing.
But… it might be that we don’t limit ourselves to just our new niqab. There’s plenty of other face coverings that fit the sentiment behind our masks.
There’s A Lot Of Choices For Compliance
Now True; a lot of the non-niqab veils won’t meet the standards of those demanding that we stay masked in what seems to be perpetuity – variants of the coronavirus are not going away people! – but they could be incorporated into designs or worn as an adjunct to our mandated PPE.
Some Fashion-Forward Designers Are On-Board Already
In all truth, what I’m expecting is that the continuance of mask mandates – be they through direct government fiat or social pressure – is a two-layered approach, with some non-protective, decorative layer of masking over a “nude” or subtly shaded PPE mask.
And, oh yeah; “nude” or “flesh-toned” PPE masks would bring their own special breed of crap from the Woke Crowd and what they pander to- and enable.
Then, this isn’t rocket science and should be easily expected. Form follows function and the function of both our masks and those of the Muslims and the intended function of both is to protect others from the dangers intrinsic to- or associated with the wearers’ faces. Both are symbols of compliance with authoritarian rule, be of the government, priesthood, or the mob of fearful and faithful, who haven’t moved that far from pitchforks and torches.
Yes, this is definitely something to think about. Our new niqabs, striking and beautiful or not, are a sign that we’re fundamentally moving in the same direction that the Muslims did.
Tags: America | Coronavirus | COVID-19 | Fashion | Islam | Masks | Muslims | Niqaabi | Niqab | Panicdemic | PPE | Veils | Western Civilization