Import The Third World

Import The Third World, Become The Third World
Import The Third World
Become The Third World

This is the sad truth. If you import the Third World, your nation will become the Third World. We’ve seen it across Europe and we’re seeing it in America.

It’s simply what happens when you either allow millions of Third-Worlders to invade your country or bring them in wholesale as “refugees.” They don’t want to become part of America and they bring their many, many incompatible cultural norms with them with no plans whatsoever to change. And, worse for Americans, we don’t have refugee camps like Europe does, so these foreigners are dumped into our population, swamping our infrastructure and support services as well as putting our people in danger.

The above, however, does not mean I advocate eliminating all immigration, nor that I want immigration limited to only people from other First World nations. But I do believe we need higher bars on immigrants and that these immigrants must be required to be “Good Immigrants.” I believe that approaching all forms of immigration should be done via an “America First” ideal.

President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt summed up how American immigration should be handled in 1894 and nothing’s changed since then… because right and wrong and wise and foolish don’t change.

The mighty tide of immigration to our shores has brought in its train much of good and much of evil; and whether the good or the evil shall predominate depends mainly on whether these newcomers do or do not throw themselves heartily into our national life, cease to be Europeans, and become Americans like the rest of us. More than a third of the people of the Northern States are of foreign birth or parentage. An immense number of them have become completely Americanized, and these stand on exactly the same plane as the descendants of any Puritan, Cavalier, or Knickerbocker among us, and do their full and honorable share of the nation’s work. But where immigrants, or the sons of immigrants, do not heartily and in good faith throw in their lot with us, but cling to the speech, the customs, the ways of life, and the habits of thought of the Old World which they have left, they thereby harm both themselves and us. If they remain alien elements, unassimilated, and with interests separate from ours, they are mere obstructions to the current of our national life, and, moreover, can get no good from it themselves. In fact, though we ourselves also suffer from their perversity, it is they who really suffer most. It is an immense benefit to the European immigrant to change him into an American citizen.

It is urgently necessary to check and regulate our immigration, by much more drastic laws than now exist; and this should be done both to keep out laborers who tend to depress the labor market, and to keep out races which do not assimilate readily with our own, and unworthy individuals of all races – not only criminals, idiots, and paupers, but anarchists. From his own standpoint, it is beyond all question the wise thing for the immigrant to become thoroughly Americanized. Moreover, from our standpoint, we have a right to demand it. We freely extend the hand of welcome and of good-fellowship to every man, no matter what his creed or birthplace, who comes here honestly intent on becoming a good United States citizen like the rest of us; but we have a right, and it is our duty, to demand that he shall indeed become so and shall not confuse the issues with which we are struggling by introducing among us Old-World quarrels and prejudices. There are certain ideas which he must give up. For instance, he must learn that American life is incompatible with the existence of any form of anarchy.

— Theodore Roosevelt
True Americanism,” The Forum Magazine (April 1894)

I will point out though, that Roosevelt’s primary concerns were over the sloth and tendency towards outright anarchism of certain European immigrants, especially the Irish. Still, his beliefs hold true as the course of wisdom even – perhaps more so – when scope of immigrants extends to the whole of the world, with its many cultures, many of which are antithetical to America’s culture and social norms.

We don’t need immigrants that just bring their problems and problematical mores with them, and we shouldn’t tolerate their being here. We neither need nor should accept foreigners into our land who just want our money and not to become Americans themselves.

But, I also am not heartless; nor do I advocate completely heartless immigration reform. I do think that we need to set the bar much lower for women, especially women with children. The West in general, and America in particular is far better for them than most places they’d be coming from and I’m sanguine with turning them away as a normal course of action. Many of them are truly fleeing real atrocities and, while we have no duty to shelter them, doing so is a charity we can afford.

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Our New Niqab

I’d like you to pause a moment or three and think about this. Those masks that so many of us are wearing all the time we’re away from home? They’re our new niqabs! And yeah, I’m betting there’s a bunch of old, Muslim men laughing their asses off over it.

PPE Masks – Our New Niqab

There’s a lot of similarity between our masks and niqabs. Aside from the fact that both cover the lower half or more of one’s face, the demand to wear them is quite similar. Both PPE and niqabs are required for the protection of others, not of the ones wearing them. The former to protect against the spread of COVID-19 and the latter to ward against triggering “uncontrollable” lust in Muslim males.

The nature of the proscription against bare faces and the “moral” component applied to it is the first thing you should think about.

Versus The Actual Niqab Of The Muslim World

And, of course, like any other mandatory clothing item, designers of both our and the Muslims’ niqab try to make them interesting and attractive, i.e., commercially viable. True, with at least 1400 years more experience, the Muslims are better at it than the West is so far. But, we’ll catch up with them because haram is haram and people want attractive clothing.

But… it might be that we don’t limit ourselves to just our new niqab. There’s plenty of other face coverings that fit the sentiment behind our masks.

There’s A Lot Of Choices For Compliance

Now True; a lot of the non-niqab veils won’t meet the standards of those demanding that we stay masked in what seems to be perpetuity – variants of the coronavirus are not going away people! – but they could be incorporated into designs or worn as an adjunct to our mandated PPE.

Some Fashion-Forward Designers Are On-Board Already

In all truth, what I’m expecting is that the continuance of mask mandates – be they through direct government fiat or social pressure – is a two-layered approach, with some non-protective, decorative layer of masking over a “nude” or subtly shaded PPE mask.

And, oh yeah; “nude” or “flesh-toned” PPE masks would bring their own special breed of crap from the Woke Crowd and what they pander to- and enable.

Then, this isn’t rocket science and should be easily expected. Form follows function and the function of both our masks and those of the Muslims and the intended function of both is to protect others from the dangers intrinsic to- or associated with the wearers’ faces. Both are symbols of compliance with authoritarian rule, be of the government, priesthood, or the mob of fearful and faithful, who haven’t moved that far from pitchforks and torches.

Yes, this is definitely something to think about. Our new niqabs, striking and beautiful or not, are a sign that we’re fundamentally moving in the same direction that the Muslims did.

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Liberal Governments

Liberal Governments Are A Lot Like This
Giant Toddlers That Destroy Things Without Necessarily Meaning To Do So
Liberal Governments Are A Lot Like This

That’s the problem with “Liberal” governments in the Civilized West. At best, they’re like awkward, stumbling toddlers who cause mayhem and destruction quite by accident – even more so when they’re trying to help or seeking approval and/or attention.

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Traditionally Beautiful

Traditionally Beautiful

Ah, the traditional beauty of those of European descent. There’s nothing quite like it or the mix of feelings – aside from lust – that such beauty engenders in the hearts of those who behold it. It’s nature’s great art and man’s strongest history and culture.

And how the anti-White Leftists and their minority grievance-mongers hate it.


Yet This Is What The Left Sees
(Click to Enlarge)

27 beautiful, women of European / Nordic ancestry in clothes that reflect a more romantic and modest time, and our racial and domestic enemies see Nazis. To them, White Beauty is racist and any iteration, much less celebration of such is inherently wrong.

And, understand that it’s not just the beauty of these women that the Left and so many non-Whites hate; it’s the very traditions and culture that they are part of and evoke. The White Genocide that they strive for is total, an erasure and rewriting of our culture and history as well as a biological end to our race and a distinct entity.

Now, are there some regrettable issues? Fuck Yes! While these Trad beauties evoke deep feelings only equaled or exceeded by the effects that yamato nadeshiko has on the Japanese, they’re not more beautiful than other forms and flavors of women. Amongst others, Black Beauty is real, is different yet equal, but is often relegated to a lower place. Nor is the endemic use of skin whiteners across much of Asia and Asia Minor in any way a good thing – that may, however, have more to do with millennia-old classism and predate Western influence, especially in Asia.

But the Left – those who are likely Democrat voters in the US – and their minorities don’t ever say, “this is beautiful and good too.” No! They stridently and more and more often violently that anyone who says what is White is good is evil and racist. To them, we must be denigrated and torn down so that others can be rose up over us. They do not seek diversity and equality; they seek supremacy and our subjugation or eradication.

Now me? I’m one for upholding and defending my people’s culture and beauty while appreciating others’ and extending mine to them if they wish it. And yes, in our domestic enemies’ minds, that makes me racist.

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