Biden’s Brown Wave

Biden's Brown Wave
Biden’s Brown Wave

While it’s patently obvious that Creepy Uncle Joe is petty enough to flood our nation with the excrement of various shitholes across the world, I sincerely doubt that he’s coherent enough anymore to actually have a motive for his actions. The various creatures behind the scenes which are actually running the Executive, however, know what they’re doing.

It’s About Votes In 2024

Biden’s handlers know that doing anything less than encouraging a wholesale invasion of foreign detritus will alienate Liberal and Progressive voters… and a significant swath of the Latino voters, a demographic which has always been a “swing” one and who has been slowly but steadily shifting towards Republican for the last 20 years or so.

Also, the open borders strategy allows the Dems and their media to paint Americans as being horribly racist and, in cases like that in Texas, dangerously insurrectionist

It’s Part Of The Democrats’ Long Game

A brown wave out of the shitholes of the world and into our nation serves two key stratagems that are part of the Dems’ long game to fundamentally remake America into something unrecognizable. One and more immediately (2030 AD), all these invaders can be on the next US Census – hence, why Biden and Co. ship a lot of them to Blue States – and will help defray the population loss due to emigration these states are experiencing and keep them from losing more seats in the House of Representatives. And two, as the Dems have been pushing for a “pathway to citizenship” for these sorts, they’re hoping to flood our nation’s future with non-White Democrat voters.

Remember, ever since Lyndon B. Johnson the Democrats have equated non-White voters with Democrat voters. So, by both shoring up the growing loss of power in Blue States as American flee them and “ensuring” that the replacements our non-White, the Dems believe that their long game will either be victorious or maintain the status quo.

It’s An Evolution Of The Cloward–Piven Strategy

All the evidence points to the fact that Biden’s handlers’ the other actual controllers of the Democrat party have every intention of using the Brown Wave in an evolved, mutated, and suborned form of the Cloward-Piven Strategy. What they’re doing and seem to plan to do is essentially filtering Cloward-Piven through Rahm Emanuel’s rule for major crises: never let them go to waste.

It’s as simple as it is Machiavellian, evil, and anti-American. And, as such, it’s not a poor gambit to play to place Dems into power for the remaining at that point days of America.

The strategy is to overload the various support, safety net, and law enforcement systems in the states in order to force them to seek federal dollars to make ends meet. That, in turn, means two things: one, they’re Representatives and Senators will be forced to put forth and/or vote for any and all relief bills no matter what else is in those bills; and two, they will accept any strings attached to the funding, e.g., how it’s spent and/or upon what and who exactly.

This centralizes functional power at the federal level, eroding the power and semblance of independence under the 10th Amendment of the states. It also put recipient – mostly Blue – states at existential odds with the rest of the country, further allowing the Dems and their media to paint Americans as callous, hateful, and racist.

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Biden's Immigration Stance

Biden's Immigration Stance
Biden’s Immigration Stance Then And Now

In many substantive ways this sums up Biden’s immigration stance. But, it should be remembered that Biden and Co.’s current stance – needing Republican help – is largely a lie for the sake of campaigning for the upcoming elections. At literally any point, they would have had GOP support if they just put forth a border security bill that didn’t have even more billions of dollars for Ukraine and other foreign adventures tied to it. Then, they’ve no real desire to secure our borders in the first place.

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Open Borders Over There!

Open Borders Over There!
Open Borders Over There!
Not In My Back Yard!

Not to call out the Elite Leftist, Barbra Streisand in particular, but the above meme does perfectly sum up the actual attitudes and actions of the ever-so-progressive, elite Open Borders crowd. They vicious attack any efforts at securing America’s borders, villainize and dehumanize any American who disagrees with them, but wring their hands, clutch their pearls, and cry out in shrill voices whenever those illegal immigrants show up anywhere near where they live their comfortable, wealthy lives. NIMBY indeed!

I’ve got to give it to Streisand and her ilk though. Even when they are forced to experience the nightmare which is the flood of illegal aliens, they don’t change their tune. They still shrilly and stridently demand that we keep our border open and accept any and all of these “refugees.” Most of them don’t even complain too much or too loudly about Biden and Co. importing these invaders to various cities in the US. They don’t, after all, for the most part in those cities.

On the other hand, oh do they gripe and bitch when any Governor of one of our border states sends the illegals overwhelming their resources their way. These celebrity elites really hate that. They don’t want that in their backyards or doorsteps. They want those illegals kept far, far away from them and in areas of our country which they’d never set foot in voluntarily and whose leadership and populace they despise.

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War, Treason, and Compassion

Their War & Biden's Treason
Their War & Biden’s Treason

Make no mistake about it. I fully consider the ongoing mass invasion of Central and South Americans into our country to be an act of war. And, the extortive list of monetary and political demands by the Mexican President to do anything to quell influx of invaders to equally and act of war. Similarly, I fully consider the Biden administrations dismantling of most of our nation’s protections at out southern border and their attacks upon state governments who stepped up to fill the gap to be acts of treason in every meaningful way except to particulars of that federal law.

But I Also Believe In Compassion

But, I also believe in compassion. As such, I fully endorse letting the women and children, especially the nubile women, into America. And, in their cases, I also fully endorse the stratagem put forth by some Democrat politicians to accept them into our homes. 😉

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Build The Wall Now?

Build The Wall Now?
Build The Wall Now?

Creepy Uncle Joe has ranted time and time again that there was no way he’d ever expand our nation’s southern border’s wall to decrease the ungodly amount of illegal aliens invading our country. But he just did exactly that. On Wednesday, October 7th, 2023, the Biden administration announced it would build an approximately 20-mile section of border wall in high-traffic crossing areas in Texas, This announcement that stood in stark contrast to then-candidate Joe Biden’s 2020 declaration that he would not build “another foot of wall” as POTUS.

Now, Biden himself claims that he had to do this whether he wants to or not, which he claims he didn’t, and that it will serve not purpose to do it, but that he has no choice in the matter.

The money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to reappropriate, to redirect that money. They didn’t. They wouldn’t. In the meantime, there’s nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated for. I can’t stop that.

Joe Biden

But there’s two glaring problems with the dodderer’s demurrals: one, he had to waive – i.e., legally violate through fiat powers – 26 federal environmental laws to start the project; and, two, his administrations, even his Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, who’s always been staunchly on the side of the Hispanic invaders, defended the Biden administration’s wall building as being absolutely necessary to address an “acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States.”

So no, he didn’t have to build more walls. He could have just not used the appropriated tax monies, shielding his administration if legally necessary. After all, Democrats launched multiple federal lawsuits again President Trump in a failed attempt to use those very laws to prevent him from building the wall.

What has really happened is that Biden’s handlers, nannies, and nurses have been forced to realize – mostly from the screaming, desperate complaints from politicians and the citizenry in Deep Blue areas, e.g., New York and Massachusetts – that President Trump was right. But, of course, they can’t ever, ever, ever admit that.

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