The Refugees’ Jihad
In the early years of the 13th Century Europe had what is generally known as The Children’s Crusade. Now, almost exactly eight centuries later, the Muslim are returning the “favor” with their Refugees’ Jihad and Europe – and America if Obama and some Democrats are allowed their way – are or will be on the receiving end.
The Refugees’ Jihad
The Liberals, Progressives, and their ever-dutiful Lamestream Media may call this a “humanitarian crisis” but it has all the earmarks of an invasion. Oh, not a planned out invasion in any way – just a mass migration of people, mostly males, who want to profit off the West while never assimilating – perhaps not even being capable of doing so – into its various nations and cultures.
Now, despite the oft-cited beliefs of many people – both my detractors and otherwise, I’m not completely heartless. I think both Europe and America should serious consider taking in the women and children fleeing Syria. The males, however, should be sent right back to warzone and told to fight and/or die because no human has any use for males who won’t do so.
Tags: Assimilation | Cowards | Crusade | Europe | Geopolitics | Immigration | Islam | Jihad | Muslims | Politics | Refugees | Syria | War