University Jobs Today

University Jobs Today
University Jobs Today

That aptly sums up university jobs today – even more so than it sums up general, white collar employment – being Jewish overrides any other “protected class” that an applicant has. And, they’re not going to hire a Jew unless they absolutely have to. Doing so would go against their purpose.

Oh, and don’t believe anything that comes out of these indoctrination camps about how they’re eliminating DEI hiring practices. That is just performative Taqiyya. All that’s happening is that the universities – much like other companies who claim that they’re abandoning DEI – are taking their antisemitism and general bigotry and oikophobia underground, so as to make it harder for Americans to seek redress through peaceful means.

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Democrat Political Rallies

Democrat Political Rallies
Democrat Political Rallies

The above image pretty much sums up what goes on at democrat political rallies. Killing the unborn, importing hostile foreign invaders, and disarming the American people are three of the major planks in the Democrats’ platform. In point of fact, the oikophobic sheeple that vote for Dems are far more extreme and rabid about those three destructive points than most of the professional Democrats.

Actually, the only falsehood in the image is the number of sheeple shown. Most Democrat political rallies don’t generate much in the way of a crowd. 😉

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Improved ESG Score?

Improved ESG Score?
Improved ESG Score?

Well, does that mean that White Supremacy, that unwieldy shibboleth of our domestic enemies, is finally getting a better ESG score? Has the oikophobic Left finally achieved DEI in White Supremacy? 👿

The answer, of course, is no. This is nothing new at all. The Left and their minority sharecroppers have always proclaimed the existence and problem on non-White White Supremacists. Insofar as their concerned any non-White who is, in our domestic enemies’ opinions, insufficiently exilic from- and hateful towards Whites and our nation is a White Supremacist. The Blacks have their “Oreos” and “Uncle Toms.” The Hispanics inside our borders have their “Tío Tomáses” or “Tío Tacos.” Even the Amerindians have their “Apples.” They and their liberal enablers all have their epithets for those of their own who they perceive as being race traitors.

So, no improved ESG score for White Supremacy. The Democrats’ multi-billion dollar racism industry just won’t allow that to happen.

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Diversity Finally Achieved

Diversity Finally Achieved
Diversity Finally Achieved

A #Woke victory! Diversity finally achieved at great cost! The colonizers have been beaten back and driven away; Osgiliath’s population is now 100% Orcish. Of course, it was a short-lived victory and all the brave, Orcish freedom fighters became victims of Aragorn.

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What #Wokeness Demands

Wokeness Demands That Whiteness Is A Crime To Be Punished
Wokeness Demands White Enslavement
What #Wokeness Demands

Make no mistake! This is not hyperbole. What #Wokeness demands is the absolute subjugation of the White race and the dissolution of American culture. And that is the moderate position. Their extremists would prefer to see us Whites “removed” from existence. And, they’ve already been fairly successful at pushing the first steps of this upon the White race in the West. Unless stopped, they will push things to this extent. It’s only a matter of time and our apathy or cowardice.

But let me be clear; this isn’t really a conspiracy. This is a multivalent, grassroots movement intent upon reaching an equality of results between Whites and non-Whites – especially the Blacks, who are the prime examples of failure in most previous attempts. It’s just, as each step fails to to provide the Woke with any success, they become more and more extreme and more convince that the problem is White Supremacy and Whiteness in and of itself. And that, if left unculled, can have only one final result. whether its proponents understand that or not.

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