Kamala Spred The Joy

Kamala Spred The Joy with her deliberate failure to secure the border
Kamala Spread The Joy

Yeah, Kamala’s utter “failure” – it only being failure if she actually tried instead of deliberately enabling – to secure our nation’s southern border has certainly spread the “joy” to Aurora, Colorado, where well-armed Hispanic gangs are on a rampage. And, of course, Kamala’s spread variations of that joy across the nation’s cities as they’ve become flooded with Hispanic criminals engaging in similarly feral behavior.

Understand, a sufficient level of incompetence is indistinguishable from malice aforethought. As such Kamala represents a clear and present danger to our nation and to every citizen within it. She needs to treated as such in all ways.

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Improved ESG Score?

Improved ESG Score?
Improved ESG Score?

Well, does that mean that White Supremacy, that unwieldy shibboleth of our domestic enemies, is finally getting a better ESG score? Has the oikophobic Left finally achieved DEI in White Supremacy? đź‘ż

The answer, of course, is no. This is nothing new at all. The Left and their minority sharecroppers have always proclaimed the existence and problem on non-White White Supremacists. Insofar as their concerned any non-White who is, in our domestic enemies’ opinions, insufficiently exilic from- and hateful towards Whites and our nation is a White Supremacist. The Blacks have their “Oreos” and “Uncle Toms.” The Hispanics inside our borders have their “TĂ­o Tomáses” or “TĂ­o Tacos.” Even the Amerindians have their “Apples.” They and their liberal enablers all have their epithets for those of their own who they perceive as being race traitors.

So, no improved ESG score for White Supremacy. The Democrats’ multi-billion dollar racism industry just won’t allow that to happen.

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Europe Today

Europe Today, America Tomorrow
Europe Today, America Tomorrow

Sadly, the above is a fairly apt depiction of both Muslim “migrants'” behavior and Europe’s attitudes today. Somewhat more happily, it may not be Europe tomorrow since man Europeans have begun making it clear that they’re taking the countries back from the Muslim invaders and their Leftist shills.

For those of us in America though, the wrongness is just getting worse. While excusing the violent behavior of the Muslims inside our borders has faded a lot, the Left is moving towards total acceptance and endorse of theft, assault, rape, murder, arson, and insurrection by both Hispanic invaders and the domestic Black population.

Worse for Americans, the normal, peaceful means to begin correcting for this and protecting our women and children has proved, ala the 2020 Usurpation, to be no longer be trustworthily affective.

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Biden's Invasion Blocked

Biden’s Invasion Blocked

A federal judge, Judge T. Kent Wetherell II, in an evening session on Thursday, May 11, 2023, blocked the Biden and Co. from implementation a policy that would allow for the release without court dates – just hours before the end of the Title 42 public health order.

Judge T. Kent Wetherell II imposed a two-week restraining order on the Biden administration policy, which would release illegal immigrants into the US population without a court date or any means of tracking them. The only “restriction” upon their “parole” would be that they would be requested to ask for a court appearance by mail, or to make an appointment at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office.

Think about that! Biden and Co. are trying to release 10,000 or more illegal invaders a day into our country with no means of tracking them or any real plans to deal with them at all.

Fortunately, an American judge has granted us a reprieve and, hopefully, the Courts will disallow this in perpetuity. If they don’t things are going to very bad and very dangerous soon, and that’s going to made worse by the Dems and their ilk villifying and prosecuting any and all Americans who take the needed steps to protect themselves, their families, and their communities from these released invaders.

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Oh Boya, Goya

Oh Boya, Goya - Boycot? Buycot!
Oh Boya, Goya – Boycott? Buycott!

Recently, Goya Foods CEO Robert, Unanue lauded President Trump while at a gathering in the White House Rose Garden meant to celebrate as part of the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, an executive order from President Trump that was created to improve access to educational and economic opportunities for Hispanics inside America.

“We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder,” Unanue said during the Rose Garden speech.

“We have an incredible builder. And we pray. We pray for our leadership, our president, and we pray for our country — that we will continue to prosper and to grow.”

Robert, Unanue

The Left and – of course – prominent Hispanics in Hollywood immediately took to social media to rant, rave, and called for their followers and fellow travelers to enact a punitive boycott of Goya brand products, using various #hashtags such as #Goyaway, #BoycottGoya, and #GoyaGottaGo.

But, like most of the Left’s boycotts, the one against Mr. Unanue and Goya immediately backfired as Americans instead enacted #BuycottGoya and Goya’s sales rose sharply.

Then, this is the normal way of things. The vast majority of the Left’s boycotts fail miserably, mostly due to Americans unwillingness to allow their hate, insanity, and rank anti-Americanism to win the day.

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