Passing The Torch

Passing The Torch Of Lunacy
Passing The Torch Of Lunacy

Despite the Left’s incessant, dogmatic cries for “change” and “progress,” those who are likely Dem voters do strongly prefer consistency in those who they wish to rule over the People… when that consistency is in lunacy, ignorance, and gross abject stupidity. Hence, with Nancy Pelosi being of advanced years, they seem to have arrange for a passing of the torch of lunacy from her to Orcasio-Cortez. πŸ˜‰

But, to be fair, this is a form of progress. The New Crazy isn’t the same as the Old Crazy.  Old Nancy, mad as a hatter or 3rd-Stage Syphilitic or not, always had a certain level of acumen, something that made her a danger. Such cannot be truthfully said for Orcasio-Cortez.

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