A New Green Deal

Five years, give or take a bit, Markey and AOC introduced their idiotic, woke socialism disguised as environmental action, the Green New Deal. Of course, nothing came of it.

A Green Deal Americans Would Accept

See? There’s a fine new green deal Americans would not only accept, but wholeheartedly get on board with. American’s love green deals, just not ones that do little to nothing other than transfer the wealth from the makers who earned it to the takers and eaters who Democrats pander to. Americans would far more prefer and endorse a green deal that both provided us with children and didn’t try to prevent us from passing on the wealth we earned to them.

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AOC's Degeneracy

AOC's Degeneracy
AOC’s Degeneracy

AOC’s degeneracy is a perfect symbol for the degeneration and decline in anything resembling American thought amongst the younger, dumber Democrats. It only took two generations for AOC to be spawned and then to blithely turn JFK’s famous speech to the world on its head.

And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

— President John F. Kennedy

That was back in 1961. But now it’s 2023 and things, especially Democrats, are not the same. They’re not even close to the same, with thing’s like AOC being poor mockeries of even Democrat form and function.

“I ask you to think about the last time a person said — has said in this country that the government does too much for them.

— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Yeah, it’s pretty bad when a Dem will stand before Congress and blithely say things like that. But, it’s simply a sign of the times and the escalating degeneracy of those that identify as Democrats.

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AOC 2024?

AOC 2024
AOC 2024?

Well, it seems that Democrat operative and failed political candidate, Michael Starr Hopkins seems to think that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aka AOC is the Democrats “Best Non-White Hope” for defeating President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential elections. 😆

Now, I think – I certainly hope – that Hopkins wrote this a joke with a certain amount of meaning and social commentary to it. But, at the same time, I do find this to be a very irresponsible expression of humorous commentary if that is what declaring AOC to be best Dem candidate in 2024 was meant to be.

AOC’s rank unintelligence is only matched – but it is matched – by her charisma, especially to the race and gender obsessed Leftist voters. She is their nigh on perfect front-person, as her popularity among them proves, and has ways and means to secure support and campaign funds that no male candidate possesses. Buttigieg would be the closest, but the market for him would be too small to make a real difference. 😉

So yeah! AOC in 2024 is a fucking hilarious idea, but I’m not stupid enough to not keep a weather eye out, because they’re stupid enough to do this… completely unironically.

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Morally Ignorant

Morally Ignorant And Proud Of It
Morally Ignorant And Proud Of It

To start with, understand that AOC is just the currently most visible, incessantly vocal, and most publicly hubristic example of what is inherently wrong with our domestic enemies, the Left and their non-White Coat-Tail Riders. They’re all like this. They always have been. And they always will be.

These sorts have always held and stridently preached that the truth is secondary to- and must be, at best, forcibly held in subordination to their and their chosen ones’ narratives.

In sad truth, they’re not only morally ignorant, their morality is based upon deliberate ignorance and rejection of the truth and any and all facts that evidence that truth. And, that means you can no more successfully argue with them than you can with any other religious fanatic.

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Truth Is Stranger By Far

Truth Is Stranger By Far Than Any Lie I Could Promulgate
Truth Is Stranger By Far Than Any Lie I Could Promulgate

It’s a simple, sad fact that the truth is by far stranger than anything I, or probably any American, could mock up about idiotic drivel that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spits out on a far too regular basis. 🙄

What’s even stranger is that there’s a reasonable chance that she’ll be running in the 2028 or 2032 Presidential election races, most likely partnered with Rashida Harbi Tlaib, though I don’t know which of these two non-White Democratic Socialists of America females will be in the top seat.

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