Truth Is Stranger By Far

Truth Is Stranger By Far Than Any Lie I Could Promulgate
Truth Is Stranger By Far Than Any Lie I Could Promulgate

It’s a simple, sad fact that the truth is by far stranger than anything I, or probably any American, could mock up about idiotic drivel that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spits out on a far too regular basis. πŸ™„

What’s even stranger is that there’s a reasonable chance that she’ll be running in the 2028 or 2032 Presidential election races, most likely partnered with Rashida Harbi Tlaib, though I don’t know which of these two non-White Democratic Socialists of America females will be in the top seat.

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2 Responses to “Truth Is Stranger By Far”

  1. Demon Slayer Says:

  2. jonolan Says:

    That's cute! According to FactCheck πŸ˜† one of her reps claims she never said that but that she agrees with it.

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