Do You Have A Permit?

With ObamaCare being imposed upon the American people by President Obama and cabal of Liberals in Congress be assured that they will soon turn their destructive eyes back to Cap & Trade and punitive regulation of the energy sector of the American economy.

If they manage to pass some variant of the traitors, Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) and Rep. Edward Markey’s American Clean Energy Security Act, America’s economy – especially at the average consumer level – is going to be horribly harmed, possibly beyond the point of recovery.

That is the point of their exercise and to be expected; you can’t fundamentally change America without first destroying all that it is.

But President Obama’s and his Liberals’ Cap & Trade scheme, like almost all man-caused disasters, would not be without its humorous side.

I can just picture some goon  from the government trying to regulate a volcano
Do You Have A Permit For Those Emissions, Buster?

Can’t you just picture this happening? The insectile mindlessness and regimen of the average bureaucrat and their enforcers combined with the hubris and narcissism of Obama’s regime makes such a ludicrous scenario almost assured.

After all, if one is beset by such arrogance that one believes that he can fundamentally change the very planet Earth, it’s a small step to deciding to regulate it. 😉

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