Oh Boya, Goya

Oh Boya, Goya - Boycot? Buycot!
Oh Boya, Goya – Boycott? Buycott!

Recently, Goya Foods CEO Robert, Unanue lauded President Trump while at a gathering in the White House Rose Garden meant to celebrate as part of the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, an executive order from President Trump that was created to improve access to educational and economic opportunities for Hispanics inside America.

“We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder,” Unanue said during the Rose Garden speech.

“We have an incredible builder. And we pray. We pray for our leadership, our president, and we pray for our country — that we will continue to prosper and to grow.”

Robert, Unanue

The Left and – of course – prominent Hispanics in Hollywood immediately took to social media to rant, rave, and called for their followers and fellow travelers to enact a punitive boycott of Goya brand products, using various #hashtags such as #Goyaway, #BoycottGoya, and #GoyaGottaGo.

But, like most of the Left’s boycotts, the one against Mr. Unanue and Goya immediately backfired as Americans instead enacted #BuycottGoya and Goya’s sales rose sharply.

Then, this is the normal way of things. The vast majority of the Left’s boycotts fail miserably, mostly due to Americans unwillingness to allow their hate, insanity, and rank anti-Americanism to win the day.

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A Day Without…

A Day Without what exactly?My fellow Americans, in case you didn’t notice it, and you probably didn’t aside from word of it filling up your social media feeds, we recently had #ADayWithoutWomen. This protest reasonably closely followed the equally unremarkable and largely unremarked #ADayWithoutImmigrants. In both cases the response by America at large was a non-response. We, as a nation, weren’t really bothered and neither noticed nor cared.

Not that this should in any way be surprising. In all likelihood they got the idea from the Blacks, who periodically try to have A Day Without Black People – #hashtagged various things like #BoycottBlackFriday, #BlackFridayBlackout, and #NotOneDime – where they try and fail to make an impact by not buying anything from Whites on Black Friday.

Frankly, these attempts reach a pinnacle – or maybe nadir, depending on your outlook – irony that is rarely achieved. In trying to show their worth and power, all they’ve managed to do is show their irrelevance to the nation as a whole.

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