From The City To The Plaza

From The City To The Plaza
From The City To The Plaza

At a bare, barren minimum, every single foreigner within our borders who actively supports Hamas should be rounded up and deported. And yes, if we could arrange it, they should be deported to Gaza so that they can die there. As for any titular US citizens who are doing the same, they should be arrested under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason, because they have and are most certainly meet the legal standard of “adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States.”

And yes, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Democrats, I absolutely and wholeheartedly believe that the DOJ should perfectly make it clear when they do so that they’re seeking the death penalty for these vermin’s crimes.

Oh! And no, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Democrats, this would not in any way, shape, or fashion violate these filth’s 1st Amendment right right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Even if one ignores in the vermin’s favor the legal definition of peaceably, the 1st Amendment is not 100% absolute. A perfect and very pointed example being the German American Bund in the 1930s and 1940s. At first, when the US was not a declared enemy of the Third Reich, the Bund was allowed and even protected from reprisals by American citizens. However, at the end of 1941 when America official joined World War II, the government utterly shut them down, arrested their leaders, and even dissolved the US citizenship of their primary leader, Fritz Kuhn and deported him to Germany.

So please, from the city to the plaza, deport these filth to Gaza or consign their remains to landfills.

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Mentally Diseased & Defective

Biden - Too Mentally Diseased & Defective To Prosecute
Mentally Diseased & Defective

The report is in and published. Special Counsel, Robert Hur – who happens NOT to be White – has determined that Joe Biden did in fact willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen, and that these classified materials included: marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and notebooks containing Mr. Biden’s handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods.

Special Counsel Hur also concluded that, despite this, Biden should not be charged with any crime or wrongdoing, partially due to the DOJ’s longstanding rule against prosecuting a sitting President, and partially due to Biden being “innocent” due to mental disease or defect.

We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him-by then a former president well into his eighties-of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.

We conclude the evidence is not sufficient to convict, and we decline to recommend prosecution of Mr. Biden for his retention of the classified Afghanistan documents.

— Robert K. Hur, Special Counsel

In a nutshell, Mr. Hur’s report and recommendation to his boss, AG Merrick Garland, that, irrespective of any longstanding proscription against prosecuting a sitting POTUS and a similar – only once violated… by Garland – longstanding precedent of not prosecuting a former President or Vice President for mishandling classified documents from his own administration, there’s no point of bringing charges against Biden because a jury is likely to acquit him on the grounds of his failing mental state.

My Take On This Farce

One, there was no legal or law enforcement point in this investigation in the first place. If The DOJ, by it’s own rules, can’t prosecute a POTUS and precedent has, with one politically motivated exception, always been to simply recover the mishandled materials from former POTUS’s and not charge them, the only reason for the report was to create a more palatable reason for doing exactly nothing. And that is exactly what Hur did; he stated the case that Biden wouldn’t be convicted by jury due to reasonable doubt of his mental ability to willfully violate the statute. That lets Garland and the DOJ “off the hook” for not indicting Biden.

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Some Are Above The Law

Some Are Above The Law As It Is Administered In Courtrooms
Some Are Above The Law

No one is above the law.” A commonly heard refrain, especially from our domestic enemies as they do whatever they can to prevent President Trump’s return to the helm of America. But, at the same time, they’ve made it abundantly clear for years that some are above the law.

Well, they’re above the law as it is codified and enforced by the servants we the People have retained to do this work for us. No one is above the law of the People and no measures or security details can fully protect them and their kin from its enforcement. 😉

For good or ill, I think this is something that the survivors among them will learn soon given how things are going.

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The Good And The Bad

The Good And The Bad
The Good And The Bad

As with most things, the SCOTUS’ recent decision that using race as a criteria for college enrollment is unconstitutional has its good and its related though largely irrelevant bad.

The Good

Almost everyone would agree that race should not be a criterion for anything. Well, they would if the race wasn’t Black. But, of course, the entirety of the Left and the “Black Community” does want race to be a criterion… if the race is Black and they get comparatively lowered admission standards. They unashamedly admit that the Blacks can’t meet normative admission standards.

But then, that is the entire premise of Equity! Hence, it’s good that this has been, at least insofar, as college admissions are concerned, finally eradicated by the SCOTUS.

The Bad

The Left and their Black sharecroppers have been ranting how Legacies still get preferential admissions and, while its irrelevant and nothing but a subnormal straw man, they are right in their assertion that Legacies are bad. They suck. They are based upon nothing resembling merit or ability. But they’re also not something that law or the courts can correct for.

Hellfire! I’d like to an end to athletic scholarships too. But that would really set off the Blacks.

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How The Freaks Think

How The Freaks Think And Wish To Act
How The Freaks Think And Wish To Act

It’s a sad thing, but this is how the queer freaks and their nigh on mindless enablers really think and how they want to react and act in response the the SCOTUS’ opinion upon Creative LLC v. Elenis.

They truly believe that the SCOTUS has decreed that businesses can refuse to serve people et al simply because they some form of minority, in this case LGBT+ sorts. And, of course, they’re hysterical over it and indulging in masturbatory fantasies about refuse to service various, more normative Americans.

But… like with almost every erosion of special privilege that any minority group faces, both their complaints and fantasies are just wrong and based upon their own ignorance and demands for special treatment.

The SCOTUS’ opinion upon Creative LLC v. Elenis in no way, shape, or form – not even by implication or “penumbra” – say that any business may refuse customers who possess some specially protected trait, e.g., being non-White, non-Christian, or Queer. Indeed, the Court’s opinion is predicated upon the owner of 303 Creative LLC, Lorie Smith’s uncontested assertion that she is “willing to work with all people regardless of classifications such as race, creed, sexual orientation, and gender,” and she “will gladly create custom graphics and websites” for clients of any sexual orientation.”

No. The Court’s ruling is that the State cannot compel expression – read as Speech – that goes against one’s religious views. Hence, they cannot compel Creative LLC to make a wedding website for a queer couple, but they could penalize them for simple refusing to provide their services to Queers just for being queer. Similarly, a Muslim-owned company could not be compelled by the state to provide creative/expressive services for a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah. One could, thanks to this ruling even refuse to provide such services for #BlackLivesMatter and/or #MAGA events, if one decide that either or both groups espoused behavior that goes against one’s firmly held beliefs.

But, what’s both sad and casus belli is that these freaks don’t make a distinction between what they want to do and what they are. If people will not support any and every one their actions, they see it as a direct attack upon their very identity and existence. And, they want to create a world where everyone is compelled to do so.

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