Biden’s Identity Crisis

Biden's Identity Crisis
Biden’s Identity Crisis

After Biden’s splud performance in the recent debate, he really needed to make some strong performances in interviews and engagements afterward in order to lessen the stark terror of a significant portion of the Democrats. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen – even though radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders of WURD in Philadelphia used a subset of the allowed questions provided to her by the Biden campaign.

In particular, Biden’s response to a easy, softball question about his naming some of his accomplishments is beyond sad and worrying:

I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, the first Black woman, to serve with a Black president.

Joe Biden

Well, on the bright side, Biden didn’t identify as a cat. 🙄 But, I don’t even think that the most extreme of the “you can be anything you want to be and people HAVE to accommodate you” #Woke crowd are going to claim that Biden’s identity crisis is stunning and brave. No. Everybody is going to realize that the senile octogenarian lost track of what was going on and ended up, in his befuddled state, combining two of his well-rehearsed responses or two parts of the one he gave.

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The World’s Loudest Splud

Biden's Debate Performance - The World's Loudest Splud
Biden’s Debate Performance – The World’s Loudest Splud

Watching the recent Presidential debate was painful. On one hand, it’s always affirming to be right. On another hand, it’s great to watch one’s enemies fail horribly and know that it’ll be hard for them to recovery. On yet another hand though, that debate was 90 minutes of watching an infirm old man be forced to humiliate and degrade himself for all the fucking world to watch. And then, afterwards, getting to watch his fucking wife praise him as if he was a toddler or a puppy – again, for all the world to watch.

Yeah, I hooted and hollered. And yeah, I mocked Biden for him stumbling and his slack-jawed, blank-faced look on the split screen. I did all that. But, by the end of it. I wasn’t laughing; I wasn’t happy. I was damn near both to crying and screaming in rage because that was wrong. Enemy or not, I can’t abide them parading Biden out a utterly debasing and humiliating him like that.

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Oops! Jill Forgot Again

Oops! Jill Forgot Again
Oops! Jill Forgot Again

And once again Jill forgot Joe’s diapers. On the bright side though, from the look of things, at least this time the geriatric shuffler didn’t trip, fall, and face plant on Air Force One’s steps. 😉

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Biden's Holiday Wishes

Biden's Holiday Wishes
Biden’s Holiday Wishes

Tacky, Crass, and certainly cruel… but funny, albeit in a Twain-esque manner. And, such jokes are almost de rigueur, since Biden is best known for his cognitive decline. So, Best Holiday Wishes. 🙄

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A Presidential Lunch

Forgettios - A Presidential Lunch
Forgettios – A Presidential Lunch

Ah yes! Cambpell’s new, hopefully limited edition, Forgettios. The perfect to either spoon feed Biden are eat in hope of forgetting this senile freak. 😆

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