Why Nits Make Lice

Why Nits Become Lice
Why Nits Make Lice

Whenever one is faced with a multi-generational conflict, especially an existential one, one is faced with the question of why “nits make lice” – why does the conflict keep going? The answer is easy, especially so in the case of the Gazans. They’re raised to be such and perpetuate the hate. It’s also why there are at this point no true civilians in Gaza. Nits are raised to be lice and they have been for generations.

This is reality. They cannot be turned. They must be exterminated
This Is Reality

Yes; sadly the above is reality. It is a scene from an elementary school play in Gaza. Equally sadly and far more maddening is the fact that the pro-Hamas, anti-semites – all of whom happen to be Democrats in the US – scream out about supposed genocide and the murder of children when these nits fall in war.

Nits make lice if they’re raised to do so. Don’t cry when they’re killed off to end the infestation. You should have cried out and stepped in when the previous generation started turning them.

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