What’s In A Name?
What’s In A Name?
Yes! This sums up the monumental hypocrisy of America’s domestic enemies, the Liberal, Progressives, and those sorts that they pander to- and enable. They behave in such a manner that it became reasonable for ESPN to change who was providing play-by-play commentating for a college football game because his name was Robert Lee. Yet, for eight years they decried any American who didn’t like the POTUS’ middle name being Hussein as a bigot, racist, and Islamophobe.
Tags: America | Civil War | ESPN | History | Hussein | Hypocrisy | Leftists | Liberals | Millennials | Nationalism | Obama | Offended | Offense | Offensiveness | Patriotism | Political Correctness | Politics | Progressives | Robert Lee | SJWs | Snowflakes | Social Justice | Society