That Queer Ass Chimera


So, once again it’s Pride Month. So, once again the queer ass chimera that is the semi-official grouping of all the real and imagined aberrant sexualities will be regularly gathering together in public spaces and pridefully engaging in disturbing practices of public indecency, more and more of which will be aimed specifically at children. Lovely. 🙁

But then, this has to be expected by normal people. The queers’ – and by that I mean those sexual aberrants who are actively part whole of that whole “culture” – have always been about being offensive to normal people in the most garish manners possible.

Queerness isn’t just about who you want to fuck, you know? Being queer is still fundamentally rooted in having a political resistance to hegemonic ideas of how humans ought to be. And it’s about whether or not you’re an ‘acceptable’ human.

Ass. Prof. Robin Dembroff

Oh yes. This is about the dark and evil side of pridefulness. The ones engaging in the spectacles aren’t just saying that they’re not ashamed of their sexuality; they actively waging a war of sorts against any form of respectability and decency. As they see it, being indecent and actively and publicly offensive to normal people is a core part of being non-heterosexual, i.e., queer. That, of course, course means that, as people become desensitized to their behaviors – or are forced into silence through violence or the threat thereof – these queers will perforce go to further extremes, e.g., the current queer trend towards targeting children. They have to. A pillar of their identity is rebelling against normative acceptability. Hence, they’re in a degenerative feedback loop.

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Double Coyote Ugly

As most know, politics makes for strange bedfellows, especially with the intersection of business interests and political careers. It’s often odd, commonly disgusting, but sometimes it’s downright self-destructive.

A Case in point would be Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s chronic and apparently uncontrollable addiction to “Green” energy systems

Chu Coyote Ugly
Oh, Christ, What The Hell Did I Do Last Night?

I swear he’s worse in some ways than Anthony Weiner. At least, to our knowledge, Weiner wasn’t paying for it and certainly wasn’t paying for it with our money.

WASHINGTON—Sources have reported that following a long night of carousing at a series of D.C. watering holes, Energy Secretary Steven Chu awoke Thursday morning to find himself sleeping next to a giant solar panel he had met the previous evening. “Oh, Christ, what the hell did I do last night?” Chu is said to have muttered to himself while clutching his aching head and grimacing at the partially blanketed 18-square-foot photovoltaic solar module whose manufacturer he was reportedly unable to recall.

We’re talking some serious coyote ugly here. The truly sad part is that we’re also talking about an odd and sad twist to the phrase, “Double Coyote Ugly,” since it’s anyone’s guess which one them would be more likely to want to gnaw their own limb off in order to escape that bed without waking the other. 😉

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