Such Power!

Liberal and Progressive ecotards, especially the Warmists and climatards of today, are very much against any and all fossil fuels and very, very much in favor of various and sundry alternative energy source. Of course, these delusional Leftists have little to no understanding of economics or the energy density of fuel sources.

Now, if only we could take more advantage of some truly high energy density renewable and sustainable power sources…

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Cleavage – Such Power If Only We Could Harness It

If we truly want renewable, sustainable, ecologically friendly power generation, what we should be researching is how to harness the energy potential of women’s cleavage! The energy women’s tits-to-men’s eyes energy circuit could, if tapped somehow, generate such power as to utterly beggar the imagination. 😉

Really! This should be a no-brainer. We already know the amazing power contained – hopefully barely – within a woman’s decolletage. Also, while some claim it has already been weaponized, it still seems to be the best potential energy source available to Man.

All we have to do is figure out how to harness and transfer the power. Given that we’re getting better and better at applied quantum mechanics, this should be doable – possibly more and more quickly doable even than fusion power.

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