Backassward As Always

Trannies And Tranny-Chasers - Backassward As Always
Trannies And Tranny-Chasers – Backassward As Always

Trannies and their enablers are, like almost every other sort of nonnormative or culturally exilic group in America, backassward as usual. Trans Rights aren’t Human Rights. Human Rights are Trans Rights.

The Word Order Matters

Yes, the word order matters. It matters a great deal. While to many “Trans rights are human rights” and “Human rights are Trans rights” seem to say the same thing, this is not actually the case. The order of application is reversed between the two and that matters more than most people believe. And, that’s a deliberate corruption of the language by the manipulative grifters who created and first promulgated the phrase, “Trans rights are human rights.”

It’s all a cynical and sick ploy to convince people to believe that anything the “Trans Community” wants is both a right and a basic human right. But the truth is that Trannies have the same basic human rights as any other human being and nothing other or more than them.

And, here’s a little fact: If you’re supposed right requires the positive actions of another person, it’s not a right at all.

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China Ignores Climate Change

China Ignores Climate Change
China Ignores Climate Change

That’s the actual truth. China ignores Climate Change because China doesn’t fear Climate Change since they already have what most people still think of as a Communist government. And their lack of fear is sensible and right since there has never been a single piece of Climate Change legislation, treaties, or anything that didn’t explicitly exempt China from inclusion or enforcement. And this is despite the fact that China is the largest “climate polluter,” making up approximately 30% of global emissions, more than the combined output of American and European Union as a whole.

But titularly Communist nations like China and the various Socialist nations – admittedly, most of them are “Developing” nations – always seem to get a pass when it to anyone’s, especially the UN’s, anti-AGW efforts. This is because reversing or mitigating Climate Change has never been the primary point of Climate Activism at the geopolitical level. It’s always been about wealth redistribution and lowering Western people’s living standards in order to combat “income inequality.” It’s always been about Global Socialism as a pathway to eventual Global Communism.

Those of you who believe in Climate Change as it has been presenteda hoax-in-detail can still be true in broader context – should really be much, much more pissed off at this than the rest of us. Your fears are the ones being manipulated in order to achieve something other than the salvation you believe they’re striving for. Really! You’re trying to save the planet, even if it means great sacrifice, and the politicians and global agencies you’re supporting are trying to further an economic agenda instead of an environmental one. You should be so pissed off about that.

Think about it. What’s the best alternative? That they’re not trying for wealth redistribution, but are merely exempting China, a resource and manufacturing powerhouse, so that Western nations can outsource their emissions there, thereby lowering their numbers and meeting their emission goals?

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The Highest Paid Actor

The Highest Paid Actor
The Highest Paid Actor

Oh yeah; Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made far, far, far money as an actor than Tom Cruise has made or has any chance of ever making. Zelenskyy has made approximately $70 billion off the US alone thanks to his acting skills and his Democrat fanbase.

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Eat Bugs, My Precious

Eat Bugs, My Precious
Eat Bugs, My Precious

Yes, the strange, little, mentally retarded creature laughed off the question about her eating bugs because eating meat is “stealing her generation’s future”, but it seems something that those controlling her would be pushing forward. After all, anything that keeps this girl in the limelight helps their bottom line, both in traditional income and “social currency.” And, it’s already caught in among the Leftist, climatard freaks that we’ve been stupid and timid enough to allow near our children.

Now, please don’t get me wrong. In my years of traveling and working across the globe, I’ve eaten and greatly enjoyed many insect-based dishes. In point of fact, Europe and America are just about the only places where insects aren’t a fairly normal part of the diet. But the demand that we do so and end our use of other animals for food, is just wrong.

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COVID-19 3 Years In

Well, at this point we’re three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, though the panicdemic has seemed to have passed… despite ongoing efforts from those who still strive to profit from it. Still though, that’s not all bad.

COVID-19 3 Years In

It’s been three years since they first enacted large scale lockdowns and mask mandates, supposedly short-term, drastic measures that devolved into long term, fundamental changes to our nation and the crippling of our economy. And, while those large scale quarantines and mask mandates have ended, smaller scale ones and industry-specific ones continue on to this day, mostly based upon regulations put forth by the CDC which require personnel in certain industries to change their behaviors on a weekly basis.

But hey! It also means that we can still safely enjoy the Corona QTs!

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