COVID Is Finally Over

It’s taken 4 long, brutal, soul-deadening years, but COVID is finally over. Oh, not the Coronavirus itself; we’ll be having mostly less lethal variants of that for however long Humanity lasts. But, what’s over is the Panicdemic, despite the occasional desperate and increasingly febrile jabberings of certain sorts.

A couple of months ago Biden’s CDC has ended it’s COVID-19 specific recommendations and guidelines, rolling COVID into the general Respiratory Illnesses Guidelines and relaxing their “guidance” on isolation, testing, and vaccine use. And, they did this because it was no longer politically viable for them to keep the panicdemic alive any longer.

COVID Is Finally Over

So, barring some last ditch, desperate attempt to change the voting metrics in the upcoming 2024 elections – somewhat unlikely, but certainly possible – the whole COVID crap is finally over. And, quite sadly, that means the Corona Cuties are pretty much over too, fading into history alongside the debacle that created them.

Ah well. With the start of the pandemic and its surrounding, manufactured panicdemic we had to take the good with the bad, and now with its ending we have to let go of the good along with bad.

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COVID-19 3 Years In

Well, at this point we’re three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, though the panicdemic has seemed to have passed… despite ongoing efforts from those who still strive to profit from it. Still though, that’s not all bad.

COVID-19 3 Years In

It’s been three years since they first enacted large scale lockdowns and mask mandates, supposedly short-term, drastic measures that devolved into long term, fundamental changes to our nation and the crippling of our economy. And, while those large scale quarantines and mask mandates have ended, smaller scale ones and industry-specific ones continue on to this day, mostly based upon regulations put forth by the CDC which require personnel in certain industries to change their behaviors on a weekly basis.

But hey! It also means that we can still safely enjoy the Corona QTs!

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Oh No! The Tripledemic!

As you or may not have been told, we’re apparently in a Tripledemic. The powers that be and the sorts that profit off of fear, uncertainty, and doubt have tried – apparently with less than expected success – to make sure we all know and are horrified that we’re in the season of COVID-19, the Flu, and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).

Oh no! We’re doomed… or not. While these diseases are real, are infecting people, and are not something anyone should want to have more than one of at a time, the sought after panicdemic seems to be something we in America have developed herd immunity to. 😉

Oh No! The Tripledemic!

But hey! This does mean that our new Niqabis will still be with us, possibly in somewhat increased numbers. And, to my mind, that’s not all bad.

But RTO Is Buggered, Saving Our Investmentwear

And, even better for me and a lot of others, the continued, cyclical attempts at recreating the panicdemic have and probably will continue to bugger the RTO movement. Our investmentwear seems to be in a stable position where it will do the most good.

And Nurses May Finally Get Some Play

But, what I’m hoping for is that the combination of COVID-19, the Flu, RSV and the public’s lack of overwrought concern will lead to nurses finally getting the play that they deserve. It always seem wrong to me that, for the last few years, we’ve not stepped up and showed nurses that we love them.

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The Pandemic Is Over!

Well, according to Creepy Uncle Joe, the pandemic is over. We should all mark the date – September 18, 2022.

The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lotta work on it. It’s– but the pandemic is over. if you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so I think it’s changing. And I think this is a perfect example of it.

— Joe “Bad Hands” Biden
60 Minutes interview Sunday

Or we could just not listen to him, which is what his own handlers and the Democrat party would prefer.

The Pandemic Is Over! … Or Not!

Yeah. I don’t know what Biden’s failing eyes and failed mind can process, but I’m still seeing a lot of people going around masked. And, a significant number of those who aren’t masked up have their masks pulled down around their necks so that they can cover on a moment’s – or cough’s – notice.

But, as you can clearly see and as I’ve said time and again, that’s not all bad. 😉

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Still Hot, Still Covered

Corona QTs – Still Hot, Still Covered In 2022

While it’s true that neither the politicians, the deep state appointees, nor their media outlets are talking that much about COVID-19 anymore, there’s still a lot of Corona QTs out there, and their still hot and still covered by the now ubiquitous masks. But then, I predicted this almost a year ago.

I wasn’t really joking when I posted about our new niqab. Democrats and their media outlets were so successful in spreading the panicdemic that masking is pretty normal now, with a large number of people – most of them I see in NYCrefusing to unmask even now that there’s no mandate.

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