The Female Ear

Fatima Goss Graves

Sometimes the level of willful stupidity exhibited by activists beggars credulity. In this case, it’s a supposedly staunch radfem activist, Fatima Goss Graves, speaking in favor tranny athletes competing against women and girls during her Congressional testimony about Title IX.

You would think that the head of feminist organization would have some understanding of the “female Ear.”

Apparently, this is very much not the case with Goss Graves. She dramatically showed that she has no understanding of the “Female Ear” and how women will react to what they heard being said.

Trans students participate in sports for the same reasons as [other] kids. Because it is fun, because it creates belonging, community, because it teaches so much about persistence, leadership and discipline, and last, they learn to lose gracefully – hopefully – and often, win with dignity.

— Fatima Goss Graves

Graves, in her Congressional testimony defending Title IX, was simply stating that she believed that trannies play sports for the same reason as anyone else and gain the same benefits in character growth. That, however, was not what female athletes heard, not even a little bit. No. Female athletes heard that they were supposed to ‘lose gracefully’ to tranny competitors.

And, upon hearing that, these women responded.

Women & girls should ‘learn to lose gracefully’ to men & boys in their category. Women throwing away fair & safe sports for their fellow women is unforgivable.

— Mara Yamauchi


Unforgivable indeed. Lose gracefully my ass! Always did that when it was a fair fight!!! Nothing to be graceful about when the field is tilted so badly!!! Sex matters in sports; it matters. Shame on them.

— Martina Navratilova


If you’re a female athlete, watch this & get furious. You’re just supposed to learn to lose gracefully to a male in a race for females. If you don’t stand together & say NO, women’s sport will just be another race for males, along with men & non-binary!

— Sharron Davies


Just for the record, I have lost gracefully many times in my career. Even speaking to the incident of Thomas and I, at the national championships, we tied for fifth — granted, fifth in the entire nation, so it’s still an incredible achievement. But there were four women who beat me. I’m incredibly proud of those women who beat me. So, I certainly can and have lost gracefully many times in my career.

Women & girls should ‘learn to lose gracefully’ to men & boys in their category. Women throwing away fair & safe sports for their fellow women is unforgivable.

— Riley Gaines

And that should have been the expected reaction. The “Female Ear” is different from the “Male Ear.” Women, in a case or circumstance when their emotions are involved, do not hear what is actually said or in what context it was said in. They hear whatever will trigger them the most. They will always hear it as a further attack upon them. That Graves didn’t understand this or care enough about it to choose her words with care for women’s feelings is a level of willful stupidity that is truly awesome in its buffoonery.

NOTE: For the record, I 100% support these women’s position. Trannies have no place in women’s sports at all. There’s a reason you never hear of them in men’s sports. That, however, didn’t, doesn’t, and will never stop me from pointing out the other differences between men and women; in this case, how women hear what was said.

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Bud's Noticeable Problem

Bud's Noticeable Problem
Bud’s Noticeable Problem

Bud’s noticeable problem has arisen again. Not, in all honesty, that it makes that much of a difference in the scheme of things, since there’s no signs of Bud Light sales recovering from Heinerscheid and Mulvaney. They just can’t tuck this embarrassment away. 😉

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Why Dems Support Trans

Why Dems Support Trans
Why Dems Support Trans

That, by and large, perfectly and heartlessly defines why the Democrat party and its many operatives in schools, the bureaucracy, and their media support transsexualism, especially transwomen. You simply can’t be a man and be a Democrat. At best, you can be a self-loathing pseudo-male which does its best to commit self-harm through sociopolitical action. 😉

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Bud Light's Trans Stupidity

Bud Light's Trans Stupidity - Dylan Mulvaney
Bud Light’s Trans Stupidity

Bud Light’s trans stupidity – or, more specifically, Alissa Heinerscheid, who chose Dylan Mulvaney, and Daniel Blake, who allowed her to do so – was an easily avoidable error. They didn’t need to endorse a tranny who’s persona was a sick, twisted, and anachronistic caricature of a woman. Nor did they have to pick a tranny who wanted “sleep overs” with young girls.

They had a plethora of other, better options – options that wouldn’t in all likelihood have permanently or semi-permanently crippled their sales.

Bud Light Had Many, Many Better Options

It only took me a couple of hours over the course of a couple of days of desultory – read as lackadaisical – effort on Tumblr to find these 27 better transgirl influencers. And, it only took that long due to a combination of: specifically looking for obviously trans girls; abiding by the no-nudity restrictions of my hosting provider; and meeting my self-assigned dimension requirements for image galleries.

Hellfire and Perdition! Heinerscheid could have chosen the truly hardcore option and dared people to complain.

Blaire White
Center-Right Republican, Blaire White
(Click to Enlarge)

Yeah, Heinerscheid could have decided to work with Blaire White, who has a far larger subscriber-base and far larger reach across multiple platforms. As White is a center-right, Republican who is openly trans, Heinerscheid could have essentially dared Bud Light drinkers to complain… though, in point of fact, few would have, as evidenced by White’s multi-million subscribers and resulting income.

But Heinerscheid instead chose Mulvaney and Blake let it do so, either with his approval or through his lack of oversight and management of the brand.

But, in Heinerscheid’s case, the mistake wasn’t what one might have expected, at least not in scale or lasting, damaging effect. She wanted to alienate large swaths of Bud Light’s drinkers. That’s why she chose Mulvaney. Her and her superior’s mistake was not anticipating how bad the backlash would be and thinking that the Left would jump on the brand and make up the expected difference. She was deliberately biting the hands that feed her in the hope of getting new groups to do so instead.

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Hard To Believe

Hard To Believe, Isn't It?
Hard To Believe, Isn’t It?

Yes, every single right-thinking, sane American finds it incredibly hard to believe that, as a country, we seem to have degenerated to the point where a parent is allowed to chemically castrate their child – at a minimum – but spanking – or applying almost any form of discipline – is considered abuse.

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