Backassward As Always

Trannies And Tranny-Chasers - Backassward As Always
Trannies And Tranny-Chasers – Backassward As Always

Trannies and their enablers are, like almost every other sort of nonnormative or culturally exilic group in America, backassward as usual. Trans Rights aren’t Human Rights. Human Rights are Trans Rights.

The Word Order Matters

Yes, the word order matters. It matters a great deal. While to many “Trans rights are human rights” and “Human rights are Trans rights” seem to say the same thing, this is not actually the case. The order of application is reversed between the two and that matters more than most people believe. And, that’s a deliberate corruption of the language by the manipulative grifters who created and first promulgated the phrase, “Trans rights are human rights.”

It’s all a cynical and sick ploy to convince people to believe that anything the “Trans Community” wants is both a right and a basic human right. But the truth is that Trannies have the same basic human rights as any other human being and nothing other or more than them.

And, here’s a little fact: If you’re supposed right requires the positive actions of another person, it’s not a right at all.

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This Is A Woman

This Is A Woman
This Is A Woman

There are from a practical standpoint two genders, men and women, determined at conception. True, there are a tiny – lost in the statistical noise tiny – percentage of people who aren’t functionally either gender, physically present as female when they’re males, or have both sets of parts. From the normal person standpoint and likely experiences though, there are men, women, and people with mental illnesses.

And this is just going to get worse unless treated at the societal level. Rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) is a horribly real empirically as it is totally unsubstantiated scientifically.

Trannies’ Insane Hypocrisy

And, cue the Trannies’ and their enablers’ insane, hypocritical outrage. I’m sure that these sorts would go rabid over my calling transsexualism a mental illness. “They’re not sick, they’re women!” or some such is what they’d rant – and what they’ve ranted again, again, and again to-date. And yet, at the same exact time and often in the same rant, they will claim – with a few medical studies to back them up – that people who are Trans, especially children, will suicide if not given “gender affirming care.”

NOTE: While these studies do show an increase in suicidal ideation and attempts than the norm, the rates are listed as 43.3% vs. 35.2%, so notable but not an extreme increase in risk.

Hellfire and Damnation! These some sorts will even upon occasion and being sufficiently triggered by reality scream that “misgendering” trannies is violence, a federally prosecutable hate crime, all because it will supposedly cause trannies to suicide or otherwise sink into various depression-link behaviors.

But, of course, they’re not crazy; they’re women! Except when they’re crazy.

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How Women Have Changed

How Women Have Changed Over The Years
How Women Have Changed Over The Years

Women have changed a lot over the years, especially between the 1970s and the 2000s. Some of it has been actual progress, though not much of it. But, in these times, the changes have gone strange and destructive. Actually even more destructive than most realize, since the current trend is essentially saying that any failure as man can choose to declare themselves to be a woman instead as a lesser, fallback position.

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Mimicry In Nature


Mimicry in nature is quite common, e.g., the Viceroy butterfly mimicking the Monarch butterfly. And, never let be said that Man isn’t an animal. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t trust appearances or your first impressions. That could lead to unpleasant surprises. 😉

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Bud Light's Trans Stupidity

Bud Light's Trans Stupidity - Dylan Mulvaney
Bud Light’s Trans Stupidity

Bud Light’s trans stupidity – or, more specifically, Alissa Heinerscheid, who chose Dylan Mulvaney, and Daniel Blake, who allowed her to do so – was an easily avoidable error. They didn’t need to endorse a tranny who’s persona was a sick, twisted, and anachronistic caricature of a woman. Nor did they have to pick a tranny who wanted “sleep overs” with young girls.

They had a plethora of other, better options – options that wouldn’t in all likelihood have permanently or semi-permanently crippled their sales.

Bud Light Had Many, Many Better Options

It only took me a couple of hours over the course of a couple of days of desultory – read as lackadaisical – effort on Tumblr to find these 27 better transgirl influencers. And, it only took that long due to a combination of: specifically looking for obviously trans girls; abiding by the no-nudity restrictions of my hosting provider; and meeting my self-assigned dimension requirements for image galleries.

Hellfire and Perdition! Heinerscheid could have chosen the truly hardcore option and dared people to complain.

Blaire White
Center-Right Republican, Blaire White
(Click to Enlarge)

Yeah, Heinerscheid could have decided to work with Blaire White, who has a far larger subscriber-base and far larger reach across multiple platforms. As White is a center-right, Republican who is openly trans, Heinerscheid could have essentially dared Bud Light drinkers to complain… though, in point of fact, few would have, as evidenced by White’s multi-million subscribers and resulting income.

But Heinerscheid instead chose Mulvaney and Blake let it do so, either with his approval or through his lack of oversight and management of the brand.

But, in Heinerscheid’s case, the mistake wasn’t what one might have expected, at least not in scale or lasting, damaging effect. She wanted to alienate large swaths of Bud Light’s drinkers. That’s why she chose Mulvaney. Her and her superior’s mistake was not anticipating how bad the backlash would be and thinking that the Left would jump on the brand and make up the expected difference. She was deliberately biting the hands that feed her in the hope of getting new groups to do so instead.

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