Fish Traps!

It's a Trap
Fish Traps! It’s A Trap!

Whenever you encounter what seems to be a woman who loves fishing, channel you’re inner Admiral Akbar, because it’s a trap! That’s not a worm in “her” shorts. ๐Ÿ˜†

Yes, There Are Women Who Love Fishing

I’m kidding! Kidding, kidding, kidding! For good or ill, there are plenty of women who love fishing. Maybe not as much as some of us guys do, but they do love it. So, don’t be actually concerned that the one you see is a tranny. The odds of that are very, very low.

In point of fact, most transgurls go through an extended period during which they act hyper-feminine, normally adhering to the stereotypes of “proper” “girly” behavior, often obsessively so. As such, it’s extremely unlikely to encounter one fishing. You’re safe. Enjoy.

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Mimicry In Nature


Mimicry in nature is quite common, e.g., the Viceroy butterfly mimicking the Monarch butterfly. And, never let be said that Man isn’t an animal. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t trust appearances or your first impressions. That could lead to unpleasant surprises. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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No Surprises Here

No Surprises Here
No Surprises Here

Pabst Blue Ribbon, like a large percentage of mass market, American beer, is barely beer. But, at least, there are no surprises or traps waiting for you – something you apparently can’t say about Bud Lite.

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It’s A Trap!

It's A Trap!
It’s A Trap!

Admiral Akbar was wiser than even Lucas gave him credit for. ๐Ÿ˜† Yeah, “She” looks like a fine, American woman, but the Bud Lite is dead giveaway. He’s got a surprise package waiting for some unsuspecting guy.

So, Gentlemen, be wary. There’s a lot of traps out there. Always check their beer choice first.

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