Denying Atzlan (NSFW)
The state legislature of Arizona recently drafted the United States’ most comprehensive, stringent, and potentially effective anti-illegal immigration law, SB 1070, which Governor Brewer signed into law on Friday, April23, 2010. As expected, Liberals and their minority tenants went insane.
The Liberals have called Arizona’s new illegal immigrations as being equivalent apartheid, Nazi Germany, and the old Jim Crow laws. Various Leftists have advocated punitively boycotting Arizona and the race-baiting filth, Al Sharpton, ever eager for the self-aggrandizement, has promised to lead riots across Arizona if SB 1070 isn’t revoked.
Of course few, if any, of these sorts have bothered to read Arizona’s SB 1070 – the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act – or compare to current federal immigration laws and their supposed enforcement. Those that have likely don’t care; they’re too steeped in hatred of America, racism vs. Whites, and their own political agendas to worry overmuch about facts that contradict their views.
President Obama claims the law is misguided and his Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, has parroted her boss’s assessment and added that this is a Homeland Security matter best left to the federal government to solve.
What I find far worse than “misguided” is the fact that no federal administration in decades, irrespective of political party, has done anything except ignore or exacerbate the threat to America posed by our porous and ever more dangerous southern border. They’re ongoing outright refusal to even enforce the laws currently on the books is worse than misguided; it’s criminal and a dereliction of the duties of the POTUS and has been based solely upon political expediency and pandering.
America’s Southern Front
Arizona is literally on the front lines of a war raging across America’s border with Mexico. The people of Arizona and the other border states are in the middle of war that is far more brutal and violent than anything that Al-Qaeda or the Taliban are involved in. In all the world, only the ongoing genocide in Darfur can match it.
Despite Janet Napolitano’s lies or delusional fantasies that the violence of the Mexican drug cartels had not spread like a plague north of the border into Arizona, in 2007 Phoenix, AZ suffered from 359 reported for-ransom kidnappings. In 2008 that number rose to 366. Police estimate twice that number go unreported.
Currently Phoenix, AZ is the “kidnapping capital” of America and is ranked #2 in the world, behind Mexico City, in this particular crime.
Torture, murder, and mutilation of the victim are commonplace when the victims’ families are either slow to pay the ransom or when the police are involved in the situation.
SB 1070 is the Arizona legislature’s attempt to make it possible for Arizona law enforcement to step in and do the job that federal agencies such as the ICE, Homeland Security, and the Border Patrol are either unable or unwilling to properly undertake.
Will SB 1070 be enough to protect the Americans in Arizona? No, of course not. It is, however, a needed step in right direction for the state to take since the federal government has consistently failed to uphold it duties to the People and protect the citizens of our border states from incursions and depredations by alien invaders.
Tags: 10th Amendment | America | Arizona | Crime | Democrats | Drugs | Hispanics | Immigration | Law | Mexico | Napolitano | Nationalism | Obama | Politics | Racial Profiling | Racism | Terrorism
April 28th, 2010 at 1:15 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jonolan. jonolan said: New Post – Denying Atzlan (NSFW) – […]
May 17th, 2010 at 9:27 am
[…] the wake of Arizona’s Governor, Jan Brewer taking the much needed defensive measure of signing SB 1070 into law the bulk of America now knows that Arizona has a critical and lethal […]
May 26th, 2010 at 4:16 pm
[…] Felipe Calderon, the largely ineffectual President of the failed state of Mexico is feeling his machismo in the wake of the accommodating response by President Obama and the […]
August 5th, 2010 at 10:09 am
[…] of Arizona’s attempt to defend its borders against the filthy criminal invaders that are overrunning the state, and who have becoming […]
August 15th, 2010 at 9:20 am
[…] duties. He’s proven more than eager to wage a paper jihad against Arizona’s attempt to defend the safety of American women and children by enforcing the federal immigration laws – laws the Obama […]
November 21st, 2010 at 11:36 am
[…] Canada’s border woes aren’t as immediately threatening as what America faces, but it’s still a problem. The increased crowds and lines at Tim Hortons – or worse, […]
January 11th, 2011 at 12:56 pm
Yeah … stupid racist …. and throughout the rest of the world we will create a world law to defend the world from the U.S. invasion that year after year make to different countries …..
damn ficking americans … are the biggest shit in the world …
USA is the beast of the apocalypse ….
January 11th, 2011 at 1:31 pm
That’s nice.
Cries of racism – the first, last, and only (non)argument of the weak-minded.