Conflicting Smoke Signals

Recently, the US Attorney General, Jeff Session declared that he and his DoJ would reverse course on the doctrine set forth under Obama and Holder and restart enforcement of federal drug laws as they pertain to marijuana. This, frankly, leaves me feeling ambivalent since one could say that I’m getting conflicting smoke signals… and neither of them have anything directly to do with either medical or recreational use of cannabis.

To me this is an example of federal overreach resulting in the Constitution being in conflict with itself at this time. I find that the entirety of the federal drug laws, except those that cover importation, exportation, or interstate trafficking, to be violations of the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution. However, the Take Care Clause (Section 3, Clause 5) of Article II of the Constitution requires that the Executive shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. In other words, the Constitution requires the Executive branch to enforce the laws set forth by the Legislative branch unless and until the Judicial branch declares said laws to be null and void.

That conflict is what’s making me ambivalent about this whole thing, not my personal opinions of either medical or recreational use of marijuana.

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Valentine’s Day For Men

valentine's meat
It’s Like Chocolate & Flowers For Men

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The States’ Party

GOP - The American ElephantStarting in 2008 and increasingly over the intervening five years we Americans have repeatedly heard how the Republican Party was dying and how the GOP was doomed. Given their showing in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections and also their inability to retake control of the Senate in the 2010 elections from our domestic enemies, this opinion is easy to arrive at and very seductive to the Left.

This, however, is a false assumption. It’s mere hopeful wishing on the part of the Liberals and Progressives and a tool being used by the Establishment GOP to try to maintain control of a party who has left them in favor of returning to America’s roots and core values. It has little or no basis in fact.

To start with, the GOP took control of the House of Representatives and has held that control to this date, with little thought that this will change in the 2014 elections. More important and telling is the Republican Party has been emphatically shown to the the States’ party of choice.

  • 30 states now have Republican governors vs. 20 with Democrat governors
  • 25 states now have GOP control of both the Executive and Legislature vs. 14 where DEMs control both the Executive and Legislature

Does sound or look like the GOP is moribund or does, especially when combined with the GOP’s lasting control of the House, show that the majority of Americans choose and vote Republican?

A Red Nation Rising From The Ground Up
(Click to Enlarge)

It’s a simple case of the wisdom of subsidiarity. The closer the position is to the People the more often the People chose Republicans because the closer the position is to the People the less they favor the goals and agenda of the Democrats and the less the election is skewed by the bias and prejudices of the minority voters.

This is why the Democrats and their operatives focus so heavily upon federal control of- and influence over any and matters, most of which are meant to left to the several States. They know that they’ve built their whole platform on catering the needs and desires of those minority of staunchly Liberal states to the exclusion of needs and desires of the majority of Americans. It’s also why those blue states will remain blue. The Democrats’ policies are tailored to them and do a decent job of fulfilling their wishes.

No, the Republican Party isn’t dying. It’s growing from the ground up stronger than before because it’s the States’ party.

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Real Immigration Reform!

Judge's Gavel on American FlagThe US Supreme Court has dealt Obama, his Liberals, and the illegal immigrant filth and their treasonous enablers a serious, though sadly non-fatal blow. The SCOTUS has, in a 5 – 3 decision, upheld Arizona’s illegal-worker law, the Legal Arizona Workers Act of 2007.

It has been dubbed the “Business Death Penalty” because it allows Arizona to shutdown businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

Specifically it allows Arizona to suspend the business license of any company that knowingly hires illegal immigrants for a minimum of 10 days upon the first offense and permanently upon the second or later offense. It also mandates that companies must use the federal governments E-Verify system to validate hirees’ employment eligibility.

This is the true beginning of immigration reform – real immigration reform – because it strikes at the festering core of illegal immigration by punishing those within America who enable, aid, abet, and profit off of these criminal foreign invaders.

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Obama Attacks Arizona

Friday, May 29, 2010 President Obama demanded that the Us Supreme Court review and set aside an Arizona illegal immigration law. His federal regime thinks that it is inappropriate for the individual states to have such laws.

Obama’s administration, in a brief submitted by Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal, said federal law should preempt state efforts.

From the Washington Post:

The Obama administration on Friday urged the Supreme Court to review and set aside an Arizona law that sanctions employers who hire illegal immigrants, saying it would disrupt the “careful balance” that Congress struck in federal immigration law.

The act in question is not the strict new Arizona law that President Obama and other members of his administration have criticized. That measure authorizes police to question the immigration status anyone who appears to be in the country illegally.

The law being challenged, the Legal Arizona Workers Act, imposes tougher sanctions than federal law for hiring illegal workers. If the court chooses to hear the case, its ruling could show how receptive the justices would be to arguments that enforcing immigration laws is a federal responsibility that cannot be usurped by the states.

It’s somewhat interesting that Obama has chosen to attack the State of Arizona over this particular law, Legal Arizona Workers Act which was enacted in 2008, rather than over the other, more recent anti-illegal immigration laws that Arizona, in the wake of continued willful failure by the federal government to protect and defend America’s borders, has been forced to enact.

One is forced to conclude that Obama, ever a fan of any nation except America, is bowing before the will of Mexico’s Felipe Calderon, whose failed government has a vested interest in keeping these illegal immigrants employed within America. Obama’s timing is especially suspicious since it comes so soon after Calderon instructed Obama on how to use America’s National Guard along the Mexican border.

What’s worse for America though is the disturbing trend being shown by Obama’s regime. President Obama has a very dangerous attitude towards the law, especially the intersection of federal and state laws. Currently he is jabbering that Arizona’s law should not “usurp” federal authority because it stricter than federal law – which Obama refuses to enforce in the first place. In the recent past, however, he has refused to exert federal authority when a state’s – California in this case – laws were looser and in direct contravention of federal law.

Essentially, President Obama’s philosophy seems to be that, if he likes a federal law, he will use whatever means he can dream up to prevent the State’s from having sterner and more effective laws. Conversely, if he doesn’t like a law, he will bend over backwards not to exert federal authority to enforce it even if a state passes laws that directly conflict with- and attempt to nullify it.

This is a philosophy that is inherently dangerous and is an existential threat to America as a Constitutional Republic. Anyone who adheres to such a philosophy is an enemy of America and has no rightful business being allowed to survive within America’s borders much less fill, and thereby foul, the position of President of the United States.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.  😉

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