If People Were Like Vegans

If People Were Like Vegans
If People Were Like Vegans…

That’s a funny truth! If people were like Vegans, we’d have a plethora of fake vegetable products akin to Beyond Salad. Of course, if people were like Vegans, we’d also probably have already “cancelled” them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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If Veggies Are So Good

If Veggies Are So Good, Why Does Vegan Food Suck So Bad
If Veggies Are So Good

A generation or more long question that Vegans refuse to answer – if veggies are so go good, why do they keep trying to make them taste and look like meat and why does Vegan food taste so horrible?

It makes no objective sense. It’s not like there’s not a plethora of damn fine, damn tasty and satisfying vegetarian foods available around the world. So why does Vegan food – and I mean specifically Vegan Food – so often turn out to be poor and disgusting mockeries of normal, omnivore cuisine. It seems to me the answer – never provided by the Vegans themselves – would be important for the bulk of society to know.

NOTE: I, myself consume on average just under 16 oz of red meat a week (far less in Summer, a bit more in Winter), just over that in poultry and seafood, and much more than that in well-prepared vegetables. So, I’m hardly a knee-jerk carnivore. ๐Ÿ˜›

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Culinary Archeology Fun Fact

Culinary Archeology Fun Fact
Culinary Archeology Fun Fact

Oh yeah! That’s the truth. Nowhere in human prehistory will you find any cave paintings of salads… or any other plant-based food item. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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The Best Veggie Burger

The Best Veggie Burger Ever!

Sadly, the above ad is fake. I would have adored it if it was an actual whimsical – or mocking if you’re of the flat-toothed dietary persuasion – but, alas and alack, neither the advertisement nor Crompton’s Beef Farm are real.

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Meat – Of The People

Meat - For The People, Of The People
Meat – For The People, Of The People

OMFG! Meat, bye the People, for the People, of the People, and made from the People! ๐Ÿ˜† That’s freaking hilarious. True, it’s totally fake. But it’s the exact sort of marketing screw-up that actually happens.

Then again รขโ‚ฌยฆ

The Only Virtuous Option

All joking aside, it does seem that this iteration of Soylent Green would be the only form of meat considered a virtuous choice by Leftist organizations, e.g., PETA, NARAL, Warmists, and some of the 2020 Democrat Presidential hopefuls รขโ‚ฌยฆ if it was made from White meat.

And then again

It Could Be A Simple Allegory

As truth can sometimes be best communicated through humor, perhaps meat from the People was meant as simply a humorous allegory for just about any and every Democrat-proposed and/or endorse economic policy.

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