Media Literacy Textbook

Media Literacy Textbook
Dems’ Media Literacy Textbook

It’s rather ironic that our domestic enemies, the bloc who vote for Democrats, so love to decry Americans as conspiracy theorizing extremists when we point out the bias of the media as Fake News, when they’ve been accusing any and all source of news that contradict their masters’ narratives as being by Russian bots or operatives.

What’s horrific instead of ironic is that some Democrat-controlled areas are instituting “media literacy” curricula to indoctrinate children to always believe the Lamestream Media and the Democrat party narrative and to reject any other, conflicting data as “misinformation.”

Of course, even this horror contains its own irony. While our domestic enemies call dissenters Russian bots or some such, they actually implement measures straight out of Lenin’s playbook. ๐Ÿ™„

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Feeding The Masses

Feeding The Masses
Feeding The Masses

You’ve got to hand it to the Lamestream Media. They’re very good at feeding the masses of Democrats, Democrat-Adjacent Liberals, and Presumed-Democrat demographics the shit that their party leaders squeeze out. It’s actually amazing how well they package it so that the masses will eat it up and ask for more.

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Kamala’s Campaign Workers

Kamala's Campaign Workers
Kamala’s Campaign Workers In Action

This aptly sums up Kamala’s campaign workers aka the bulk of the Lamestream Media, especially certain overrepresented, DEI hire sorts within the “news” industry. Far too many of them aren’t even bothering to hide their real job, getting Kamala into the White House or, at least, keeping President Trump from returning to it.

And yes, My Fellow Americans, these filth are even attacking and castigating Americans in interviews when said Americans don’t abide by the Lamestream Media’s and the Democrats’ narrative.

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Backassward As Always

Trannies And Tranny-Chasers - Backassward As Always
Trannies And Tranny-Chasers – Backassward As Always

Trannies and their enablers are, like almost every other sort of nonnormative or culturally exilic group in America, backassward as usual. Trans Rights aren’t Human Rights. Human Rights are Trans Rights.

The Word Order Matters

Yes, the word order matters. It matters a great deal. While to many “Trans rights are human rights” and “Human rights are Trans rights” seem to say the same thing, this is not actually the case. The order of application is reversed between the two and that matters more than most people believe. And, that’s a deliberate corruption of the language by the manipulative grifters who created and first promulgated the phrase, “Trans rights are human rights.”

It’s all a cynical and sick ploy to convince people to believe that anything the “Trans Community” wants is both a right and a basic human right. But the truth is that Trannies have the same basic human rights as any other human being and nothing other or more than them.

And, here’s a little fact: If you’re supposed right requires the positive actions of another person, it’s not a right at all.

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One of the most telling and evocative pieces of art I’ve seen in a while. It is the visual encapsulation of Hamas today. You can literally tell if one of Gazans is lying because simply by it speaking. And, you can tell it’s going to lie again simply because it’s still breathing.

Sadly for humanity, Gazanoccio seems to be disturbingly effective in these degenerate times. Between the Hamas members in our nation’s universities, the Anti-Semites across Europe and all of Africa, and those various entities across the globe who are more than happy to use Israel as a proxy war against America, it paints a bleak future for the world.

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