This Is A Woman

This Is A Woman
This Is A Woman

There are from a practical standpoint two genders, men and women, determined at conception. True, there are a tiny – lost in the statistical noise tiny – percentage of people who aren’t functionally either gender, physically present as female when they’re males, or have both sets of parts. From the normal person standpoint and likely experiences though, there are men, women, and people with mental illnesses.

And this is just going to get worse unless treated at the societal level. Rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) is a horribly real empirically as it is totally unsubstantiated scientifically.

Trannies’ Insane Hypocrisy

And, cue the Trannies’ and their enablers’ insane, hypocritical outrage. I’m sure that these sorts would go rabid over my calling transsexualism a mental illness. “They’re not sick, they’re women!” or some such is what they’d rant – and what they’ve ranted again, again, and again to-date. And yet, at the same exact time and often in the same rant, they will claim – with a few medical studies to back them up – that people who are Trans, especially children, will suicide if not given “gender affirming care.”

NOTE: While these studies do show an increase in suicidal ideation and attempts than the norm, the rates are listed as 43.3% vs. 35.2%, so notable but not an extreme increase in risk.

Hellfire and Damnation! These some sorts will even upon occasion and being sufficiently triggered by reality scream that “misgendering” trannies is violence, a federally prosecutable hate crime, all because it will supposedly cause trannies to suicide or otherwise sink into various depression-link behaviors.

But, of course, they’re not crazy; they’re women! Except when they’re crazy.

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Gender Correctness Wins

Gender Correctness Wins
Gender Correctness Wins

Jeremy’s Razors introduced a line of gender correct candy bars in response to Hershey’s tranny bar and it’s been a huge initial success, with over half a million of the candy bars being sold in mere days. By the way, that’s a bit over 23 tons of chocolate bars. 😆

That’s a very strong statement by normal people against the twisted and depraved #Woke crowd, and it’s probably the most successful #Buycott in history to-date. Meanwhile, Hershey’s is facing a boycott of at least some effect.

Hence, gender correctness and biological sciences scored a big, sweet win!

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The Groomers’ Curriculum

The Groomers' Curriculum
The Groomers’ Curriculum

It was bad enough when the Liberal and Progressive sorts put Planned Parenthood in our schools, allowing for the issuing of both birth control and abortions to minors, often without parental notification or consent. Now, they’re indoctrinating children into the belief that they’re queer, trans, nonbinary without informing the parents of those children.

Sure sounds like a bunch of state-sponsored #groomers to me. First, they provide a means of covering up rapes and sexual abuse, then they separate the children from the parents, making the parents the adversary to be avoided, and continue grooming them into what they want the children to be.

This needs to be stopped. Some good measured have been done so far to correct for this violation, but we Americans have not risen up and done near enough nor the right things to put a permanent end to these practices and the #Groomers engaging in them or sitting by and allowing it to continue.

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A CA Teacher's Fridge

A CA Teacher's Fridge
A CA Teacher’s Fridge

Ah, a California elementary school teacher’s fridge and to-do list. In truth, while this is still funny, I’d find it a lot funnier if hadn’t in recent years become more and more plausible as fact rather than merely sarcasm.

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Forgotten COVID Deaths

Forgotten COVID Deaths
Forgotten COVID Deaths

Yeah really! We heard and, to a lesser extent, still hear how COVID-19 in all its myriad variants has killed so many men and women since it was released from China. But what about all the other genders the #Woke Liberals, Progressives, and other likely Democrat freaks, perverts, and mentally ill sorts tell us we’re surrounded by? How many of them succumbed to the Coronavirus?

You would think that, with how their sort so stridently proclaims both the existence of non-biologically based genders and how everything and anything about America is bigoted, transphobic, and inherently designed to disproportionately disadvantage the “non-binaries,” we’d be inundated with outraged complaints about how many non-Men and non-Women COVID-19 has killed.

What? Are coronaviruses transphobic?!? 😆

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