Yeah, I pretty much called it, not that it was in any way difficult to predict this series of events. With the Blacks’ race riots having “flamed out” due to the public having grown bored with hearing about them, the Lamestream Media is right back at reporting about “upsurges” in new Coronavirus cases.
Leave No Crisis Unchurned
Honestly though, it’s even all do to the Lamestream Media’s utter hatred of President Trump and their slavish devotion to the Democrat party. That just means that there’s no “downside” to the behavior. Nor is it primarily due to their narcissism, hubris, and gloating over their control of public knowledge and sentiment. Again, that just means that there’s no “downside” to the behavior.
The Lamestream Media has us lurching from crisis to crisis, with no resolution mentioned for any of them, because they need to do so. They literally feed off crises; they need them and to churn them to survive.
News – especially America’s primary vector for it, television – stopped being a cost center and became not only a profit-and-loss center but a cash cow for stations and networks by the beginning of the 1970s. This naturally degenerated into the ultimate rejection of the values of the “Golden Age of Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley,” cable news networks.
NOTE: Fox Television Stations, LLC – 32 local stations – makes close $1,000,000,000 a year from news broadcasts. Yes, close to 1 billion USD per year off of local news.
So, being both profit-and-loss center and a cash cow forces the media to get ratings so that they can sell commercial ad spots. And that’s what they have to do. Understand. the actual business of television stations isn’t producing or airing content, it’s selling commercial ad spots for as much money as their market will bear.
Of course, they flock to whatever the public sentiment is at that time and, of course, the try to gin up as much “attention” as they can whenever there’s a crisis to be used. It’s the way – the only way – that they can stay in business.
So, just keep that in mind whenever your listening to the news. Remember that their ratings determine what they can sell commercial ad spots for and that this is how those stations stay in business and how those reporters keep their jobs – which are getting ratings, not reporting the news.
Tags: #BlackLivesMatter | 2020 Elections | Alarmism | America | Crisis | Lamestream Media | Media Bias | Politics | Profiteering | Race Riots | Riots | Society
July 1st, 2020 at 4:45 am
I had to stop watching the “news†— watch old movies instead, in the interest of preserving my sanity.
July 1st, 2020 at 7:44 am
Honestly, that's probably the best course of action. Frankly, it's not really healthy these days to pay too much attention to the 24/7 "news" cycle.