Beautiful But Sad

Beautiful But Sad – The Fact That We Can Tell They’re Republicans

The women are beautiful and made a bit more so by being – barely – clothed in the American flag. But it’s also sad. It’s sad because we can all tell that they’re Republicans or Republican-leaning, Independents. It’s deplorable that our nation has reached the point where only Republicans and “Republican Adjacent” people are actually Americans in a way other than legalism.

It’s a truly horrific time when the entirety of the Democrats and all the various fringe groups surrounding them actually hate our nation’s flag, are viscerally offended by its display, and consider anyone and everyone who would wear or display it as a probable domestic terrorist.

It’s sad because I can see no future where Democrats ever stop hating America. It’s sad because I see no future where America isn’t washed in the blood of her People and that of the Democrats and their allies.

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More True Than Funny

Gallardo says he is “deeply disturbed” that the thought of spending every Friday night streaming movies by himself in his apartment for the rest of his life does not sound all that bad to him.
I’m sad, really sad, but I’m also pretty comfortable with everything.

In their satirical article, “Man Terrified To Realize He Could Easily Go On Like ThisThe Onion is more true than funny. Indeed! This is high scorn and social commentary barely couched in sarcasm and irony.

FARMINGTON, Despite being deeply dissatisfied with nearly every aspect of his life, local man Paul Gallardo told reporters Thursday that he was terrified to realize he could very easily continue to exist in such an unhappy state and probably would do so indefinitely.

Gallardo, a part-time file clerk who is unmarried and has few meaningful relationships of any kind, stated that although his personal and professional circumstances were an ongoing source of distress, he feared they would never be sufficiently unbearable to compel him to remedy his situation. According to Gallardo, after more than four decades of living with his painful but entirely manageable loneliness, he was unlikely to ever improve himself, a fact he said has filled him with dread.

“I’ve always been miserable, but I guess I haven’t been quite miserable enough to do anything about it,” said Gallardo, 44, who added that while his daily life is consistently unpleasant, he has never felt the need to abuse alcohol or drugs to numb his emotional anguish. “I still go to my awful job, still pay my rent, still eat a whole frozen pizza pretty much every night. I hate every minute of it, but it’s not making me panic or reassess my life or anything. I kind of wish it did, though.”

“And that’s what’s so scary,”continued Gallardo. “I’m sad, really sad, but I’m also pretty comfortable with everything. God, I hate to say it, but I could see myself doing this for years.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is why we can’t have nice things. Clothed in the velvet glove of sarcasm or not, the iron-fisted truth of the matter is that this sums up the lives and attitudes of the majority of people in the Civilized World, especially those within America’s borders.

We have, as a whole, degenerated into a society of drones, comfortable in our malaise and complacent in our misery. We don’t ever truly consider helping ourselves and our sole exercise in helping other has been reduced to #hashtagerry.

To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, not even with a whimper, but a soft sigh of ennui.

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