To Our Independence!

On this day 248 years ago, a group, who had the courage to stand up for their freedom, formally declared their independence from a government that was tyrannical, exploitive, and did not serve the interests of the American people.

To Our Independence!

And so we celebrate these brave men and women who were ready, willing, and able to take up arms to secure their independence and birth our nation.

And, as a bonus for we Americans in these times, Independence Day is the one day of the year when we can wear and wave the flag and be openly proud of our nation and People without risking ending up on the Democrats’ FBI’s domestic terrorism watch list. 😉

To Keeping It!

But any form of liberty is always vulnerable. It must be protected and nourished or it will be murdered by those who cannot stand a Free People. So, let us heartily celebrate those who will focus upon keeping our independence from enemies foreign and domestic. Let us salute those who will cast their ballots to Make America Great Again!

To Restoring It!

But, we also must salute those among our People who realize that the Democrats will be very unlikely to abide by our victory at the ballot box.

No, to paraphrase and borrow from Malcom X, 2024 is the year of the ballot or the bullet, and the Democrats, the government agencies, and their media have provided us with more than ample evidence that they – perhaps or even probably again – have little to no intention of allowing any ballot to unseat them from power, especially not if abiding by the vote restored President Trump to his rightful office.

Truly, with all our domestic enemies have done since 2015, how can one simply believe that they’d allow or acknowledge a Trump victory in 2024? With all they’ve called for and threatened, how can any American believe that the Dems will cede power just because they’re actually voted out of office?

Face hard, unpleasant, but evident facts; Democrat power brokers and their lamestream media have spent years hammering home the propaganda that President Trump and the American people are imminent, existential threats to Democracy, and a great number (86%) of their rank and file truly and strongly believe this.

How Dems See President Trump
How Dems See President Trump

Remember, The DNC itself uses the phrase, “Dictator on ‘Day One’” to describe the return of President Trump to office, and a lot on the Left took that to heart. They literally see the restoration of President Trump to office as the death knell of democracy in America.

How far would you go to protect America’s democracy if you believed it was under clear and present threat? The Left is at least as willing as you to go that far and probably farther, given the prevalence of mental illness among them, to protect their vision of America.

So, raise up a joyous noise to our independence! While we have it and while the streets and fields are still unmarred by civil war. Eat, Drink, Fuck, and Be Merry. For tomorrow we kill and die.

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When It's Time

When It's Time
When It’s Time, It’s Time

Sad but true – and far too timely and relevant. When fishing without a license – and let’s not even begin to talk about hunting – is more criminal than being an illegal alien, it’s time to replace the government.

Even worse, when it comes to the federal level of government, i.e., the POTUS and Congress, after what the Dems did in the 2020 elections I can’t even honestly say that replacing the government through normatively accepted means, the ballot box, would even prove effective.

But, when it’s time to replace to replace the government, it’s time. Do with that assertion and counsel what you will.

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Illinois’ Lawful Insurrection

Molon Labe - ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ - μολὼν λαβέ - Come and Take Them
Molan Labe – Because We Won’t

So, Illinois’ Democrat gun-grabbers and their Governor, recently passed one of the most draconian and unconstitutional firearm, firearm accessories, and ammunition bans in US history. But, thanks be to Heaven and patriots with the means to do something, the immediate effect of the Dems’ criminal misconduct was a legal insurrection. 85 out of the 102 Illinois Sheriffs declared that they will not enforce this illegal law nor incarcerate citizens who are in arrested by other law enforcement agencies because of that law.

Obviously the Democrat Legislators and their Governor, JB Pritzker are shocked, dismayed, and outraged by the mass insurrection of Illinois’ Sheriffs Departments. But, what are they going to do against these patriots? Not only does Pritzker and the rest of the gun-grabbers have little to no practical recourse, but these are collectively a large, well-armed and equipped, organized group of patriots. They’re not the sort people that politicians should really want to push too far. 😉

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January 6th

January 6th
January 6th, As It Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Been

Ah, the once – and all patriots hope – future January 6th “insurrection.” So much Dráng but so little Stúrm. It was a hope, but it was a wasted one that achieved nothing, mostly because there was no real planning, no real leadership, and no real intent to do anything properly meaningful.

No, despite the Democrats’ witch-hunt and hearings, which didn’t rise out of the swamp enough to even qualify as kangaroo court, this was no insurrection. It wasn’t even as well-organized, well-funded, or well-armed as the Dems’ and their media’s precious #BlackLivesMatter riots. It was just a small group of justifiably angry patriots foolishly venting their anger – at least upon the right people – without much thought at all.

So, our first January 6th came to naught. But, it’s a new year and who knows what will happen.

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The Hill They'll Die On

Democrats – The Hill They’ll Die On

When it’s Bernie Freaking Sanders saying something like this, Democrats should listen and take what he’s saying to heart. They won’t though. They crossed the Rubicon back in 2015 and there’s no going back for them. They’ve placed themselves in a position where they either succeed in fundamentally changing the very nature of America or this is the hill they’ll die on.

Apparently Insufficient Fear

Then, Congress is full of the sorts who ignored what the January 6th protest and resulting incursion into the Capitol meant. They put up fences; they engaged in a still ongoing kangaroo pseudo-court to persecute President Trump; they are openly attempting to disarm the People. But they’re not asking themselves what they did to bring things to this point. Not one of them – except, apparently, Senator Sanders! 😯 – not even once where we, the People could read or hear it.

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty… except, apparently, when that fear is insufficient or the government is too far gone into collective narcissism to understand.

No. Instead, they went directly after the POTUS that they used every means at their disposal – legal, extralegal, and possibly illegal – for four years to forcibly remove from office. In their delusional state and utter denial of their own wrongdoings, they acted as if they believe that one man, President Trump, was such a terrifyingly powerful demagogue that he could actually shape the feelings of the American people.

Hint – Trump isn’t even that great of a speaker, as the Left has pointed out repeatedly. He’s not shaping opinions or policies. He’s a just representation of Americans’ anger.

And these Democrats – and the Republicans who, for whatever reasons, are insufficiently against them – have chosen to “double-down” on things.

Democrat Weaponized FBI
The Democrats’ Federal Enforcers

Fortunately, it wasn’t the second “Shot Heard ‘Round The World.” The President was not in residence during the raid and the FBI managed not to shoot anyone else while carrying out the Democrats’ orders. That would have sparked some sad hybrid of revolution, civil war, and poorly focused violent insurrection.

Weaponizing the FBI and then being that callously overt in its misuse is bad enough. It was probably the last straw for the DOJ and, by extension, all the federal law enforcement and quasi-law enforcement agencies.

At this point, I’m not sure what’s going to happen beyond Congress and their Alphabet Bois and Gurls either not developing self-awareness or realizing that they’ve already gone too far and can’t back down now. What it’s going to look like and exactly when it going to go down is beyond my ken.

But I’m pretty sure that this is the hill they’re going to die on, or it’s going to be the hill that America dies on… or both, as is more likely.

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