Media Covers The Riots
Oh yeah! The Lamestream, ever-Anti-American, anti-White media Dutifully covers the various race- and class-riots that have been happening over the last two months or so – covers them up as “mostly peaceful protests” that is.
A case in point being their praise for- and whitewashing of – irony, it’s strong in these ones – of the Wall of Moms who “protected” the “peaceful protesters” from federal law enforcement against who had to deployed to several major US cities to mitigate the damages and death tolls.
That’s the thing, left unchecked, the media can by lying big enough and often enough, put lipstick on a pig – or a t-shirt on an insurrectionist.
Tags: #Antifa | #BlackLivesMatter | America | Civil War | Class Warfare | Coverups | Democrats | Insurrection | Law Enforcement | Lies | Looting | Media Bias | Police | Politics | Propaganda | Race War | Riots | Society | Whitewashing