jonolan on New Client, New Problem: “😆 I’m always going to advocate for both. It be too hypocritical for me to do otherwise.” Sep 21, 07:03
Tyler, the Portly Politico on New Client, New Problem: “My top two from this exquisite collection: 1.) 2.) I can’t figure out the winner! Tuscan bouffant or…” Sep 20, 18:59
jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
That’s about the size of it these days. A red baseball cap is pretty damn close to all you need for the FBI to come after you and your family. We saw it start under Obama, to prevent the Trump Presidency, and we’ve seen it go further down that rabbit hole since then.
These days, it’s the FBI – really, the whole of the DOJ, but the FBI are the primary myrmidons – who are the terrorists. They even match the original definition of the term. That’s what happens when a paramilitary forced allowed to operated under the Color of Law is either weaponized against a political party’s domestic enemies or chooses to weaponize itself in order to preserve or expand its power and funding.
This entry was posted on Saturday, May 20th, 2023 at 8:00 am and is filed under Politics.
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A bit ago five Black police officers beat a Black man, Tyre Nichols, to death during what may be a unwarranted traffic stop. The five officers involved were all hired under the new, lower standards program that allows for even felons of color (FoC) to join law enforcement.
But, of course, the screeds from the Blacks and #Woke enablers went immediately to “Systemic Racism” and “White Supremacy.” And that in spite of the fact – or because of it – that the body cam video shows what looks far more like gang-style violence than police brutality.
But hey! They found a White scapegoat – Officer Preston Hemphill, who was present at the initial contact with Nichols, but not present or involved in the later, eventually fatal beating of Nichols. So now these Blacks and the enablers are going after Officer Hemphill and the Memphis PD for “shielding him” 🙄
Then, this is all to be expected. When a Black dies in police custody, they always go with the White Supremacy Narrative. It’s the singularly best way for them to get attention, weaken law enforcement, and get a bigger payout from their lawsuits.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 at 12:00 pm and is filed under Politics, Society.
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So, Illinois’ Democrat gun-grabbers and their Governor, recently passed one of the most draconian and unconstitutional firearm, firearm accessories, and ammunition bans in US history. But, thanks be to Heaven and patriots with the means to do something, the immediate effect of the Dems’ criminal misconduct was a legal insurrection. 85 out of the 102 Illinois Sheriffs declared that they will not enforce this illegal law nor incarcerate citizens who are in arrested by other law enforcement agencies because of that law.
Obviously the Democrat Legislators and their Governor, JB Pritzker are shocked, dismayed, and outraged by the mass insurrection of Illinois’ Sheriffs Departments. But, what are they going to do against these patriots? Not only does Pritzker and the rest of the gun-grabbers have little to no practical recourse, but these are collectively a large, well-armed and equipped, organized group of patriots. They’re not the sort people that politicians should really want to push too far. 😉
This entry was posted on Monday, January 23rd, 2023 at 3:00 pm and is filed under Politics.
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This is a sadly apt visualization of Democrats’ Police Reform, especially in regards to the endemic intersectionality of Black males and violent crime. In the name of #Equity, this is how Democrats expect law enforcement to treat Black violent offenders. After all, like everything else done under the warbanner of Equity, the only only way to get the results – and the Blacks’ votes – Democrats want it to not enforce laws or standards upon Blacks.
This entry was posted on Saturday, December 31st, 2022 at 5:00 am and is filed under Politics, Society.
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Ah yes. The FBI Raid Chart. It’s been around since Obama weaponized the entirety of the DOJ against the true-born and rightly-raised People of America. It’s just gotten worse, more overt, and less apologetic in recent years. What they did to President Trump and his family is just the most recent and most egregious offense by The Democrats’ jackboots.
And this is the one thing our self-proclaimed domestic enemies, the Democrats and their sorts, either don’t understand or blindly deny. A lot of us Americans either aren’t especially bothered by the FBI raiding President Trump’s home or, like me, are ambivalent due to this situation being fairly complex. What were far more than merely bothered by is that others haven’t been raided or even investigated and it’s more than obvious that the FBI’s choice of targets have been totally and solely politically motivated.
It’s obvious to a large number of us, irrespective of how we feel about President Trump, that the entirety of the federal agency apparatus and related personnel have been suborned by Democrats and are et al and in toto illegitimate, an enemy occupying force, and a clear and present existential threat to ourselves, our loved ones, and our nation.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 at 9:00 pm and is filed under Announcements.
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