Trump Is Guilty

Trump Is Guilty
What Trump Is Guilty Of

Yes. President Trump was, is, and shall be guilty of obstructing socialism and globalism, the two seemingly opposing and counterintuitive pillars of the Democrats’ socioeconomic platform. That is the real “crime” he has repeatedly committed and the primary reason why Democrats have thrown out every longstanding tradition, rule, and law for 9+ years to destroy him.

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If You Did vs If You Didn’t

If You Did vs If You Didn't
If You Did vs If You Didn’t

That about sums it up. If Biden won 2020 with so very many legitimate votes, there’d be no reason for the Dems’ DOJ and various Dem legal personnel to be persecuting President Trump. Like so much surrounding 2020, their lawfare certainly makes it look like they usurped the Presidency and are terrified of the consequences of doing so.

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Don't Let Trump Cheat

Don't Let Trump Cheat
Don’t Let Trump Cheat
Demand Voter ID & Paper Ballots

And, just like that, Democrats want strict voter ID laws and in-person voting with paper ballots. All it takes is their belief that President Trump will cheat to win the 2024 elections. 😆

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Dem Voting Drives Begin

Dem Voting Drives Have Begun
Dem Voting Drives Have Begun

Yeah, you can tell it’s an election year… and one that the Dems are rightfully heavily invested in. Besides, canvassing for the dead vote is the one tradition the Dems still hold true to. 😆

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2020 Election Math

2020 Election Math
2020 Election Math

Do the math. Trust the science. That’s what the Left keeps demanding that we do… until they very, very, very much don’t. Yeah. All the math; all the statistical evidence based upon history and sociology strongly indicates that President Trump won the 2020 elections, but the Democrats committed fraud and usurpation in order to install Biden in the White House.

Is it proof? No. It is, however, strong and compelling evidence. Similarly, there’s strong and compelling evidence that the Democrats will do exactly the same thing in 2024. Be ready for that, and be ready to act.

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