Trump Is Guilty

Trump Is Guilty
What Trump Is Guilty Of

Yes. President Trump was, is, and shall be guilty of obstructing socialism and globalism, the two seemingly opposing and counterintuitive pillars of the Democrats’ socioeconomic platform. That is the real “crime” he has repeatedly committed and the primary reason why Democrats have thrown out every longstanding tradition, rule, and law for 9+ years to destroy him.

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Be Cognizant

Be Cognizant That They're Reprogramming You
Be Cognizant

What actually happened during the 2020 elections, the ongoing COVID-19 panicdemic, Russia’s invasion of at least parts of Ukraine – be cognizant that you’ve been lied to about them all, both in broad sweeps and in detail. The truth exists; it’s out there, but it’s not what you’ve told.

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All Those “Silly” Fears

Klugman - Dangerous Idiot
Finally admits he was dead wrong on globalism

Paul Klugman, Nobel laureate economist, and deeply entrenched and enriched pundit has always been an arrogant git who loved to lambast and excoriate any critics of globalism – what his school of economics called “Global Capitalism” – as fools and their fears as silly. His position, defended from on high, was that we should not worry about it. He said that unrestricted trade will have, at the very most, only a very minor negative impact on our people’s prosperity and posterity.

Well, that was then and this is now. Klugman has finally admitted that the large number of people whom he thought didn’t understand macroeconomics very well and who were silly were right and he and his fellow Globalist Keynesians were utterly and totally wrong.

To make a long and convoluted story short and – possibly overly – simple: Despite vast numbers of people warning otherwise, Klugman and his fellow travelers both fervently believed that manufacturing moving to Third World nations, e.g., China, would perforce raise wages in those countries, thereby raising the costs of the manufactured goods close enough to those domestically produced so as not to upheave the market greatly. They also grossly underestimated how much and how often corporations would take advantage of both the amazingly low-cost labor pools and tax benefits of such off-shored manufacturing.

In other words, Klugman and Co. arrogantly derided those people who warned them of what globalism would cause and they were completely wrong in doing so. Those “silly” fears turned out to be not so silly after all.

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Global Warming’s Roots

Global Warming's Roots
Global Warming’s Roots

The roots of Global Warming, as certain sorts have been trying to sell it for over a decade, is simply Socialism in the context of the Globalists’ meta-State. It’s just an excuse to strip wealth and power from the “Privileged” societies and redistribute it to the Third World.

As we come into the 2018 elections, it’s critical for the American people to keep this firmly in mind. The “intersectionality” between the Warmists and the Socialists cannot be overstated any more than it can be untangled. They are at this point the same enemy of America.

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A Poverty Of Ethics

Work Ethic
Spread Ethics Not Money

Material “Poverty,” such as it is in America, is a result more of ethical poverty rather than any of sort of material barrier to people improving their material situation. This is most especially true among the Black population within America’s borders. When it comes to work ethic or the lack thereof, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) had it pretty close to right.

We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, and so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with.

— Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

The Liberals and Progressives, of course, will dispute this vehemently and stridently. They will cite various material barriers to Black employment, such as: The War on Drugs, a lack of educational opportunities, the de-industrialization of urban centers, crumbling public transportation infrastructure, stagnant working class wages, globalization, and the decline of private-sector labor unions.

To no American’s surprise, they’re largely though not totally wrong and wrong in ways that are easy to point out.

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