jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
jonolan on Yeah, I Was Right: “Thanks. Got to admit though, I’m not that happy to be right this time. While I loath Democrats et al,…” Jul 25, 09:36
Tyler, the Portly Politico on Bikini Interlude 92: “I find that kind of effortless (and somewhat modest) Beauty far more enticing and attractive than the girls with the…” Jul 23, 09:36
Really! In the past 23 years, what has Bernie actually done for anyone anywhere? Who has Bernie lifted from poverty? From all reports, much like his comrade, Elizabeth Warren, the only one who’s economic situation greatly improved from Bernie’s actions is his own and that of his immediate family. Though admittedly, it’s only a quarter of Warren’s nest-egg.
It’s a funny thing how every single time a politician pushes for socialism they seem to be the ones getting rich off of it.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 at 9:05 am and is filed under Politics.
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The Gender Inequality Myth perpetrated upon Americans is one of the most pernicious and factually inaccurate lies ever told to us, much less a lie so successfully promulgated. I’m sure Goebbels has a hard-on in his grave over it. 😉 The Feminists have, will, and won’t stop repeating the myth of “The Patriarchy” and claiming that they’re forced to the bottom of society. Yet, the truth is significantly different. The truth is that a very few men do occupy the top echelon, but the bottom echelons are also made up almost exclusively by men. Women are, for the most part, in just below the very peak to slightly below the middle of pyramid.
Now, in both fairness and a preference for factuality, this diagram is inherently inaccurate in that it’s scaling is in all likely off, and it doesn’t represent the complexities involved, i.e., there are no thin bands of pink in the blue and vice versa. This in an inherent flaw in such diagrams brought on by scaling – the blue at the top is most likely oversized for the sake of visibility – and decided upon lack of granularity for the sake of clarity as much as by bias and attempted manipulation. Also, there’s no indication available to determine how the various metrics were weighted.
It also is predicated, at least partially upon ephemerals and intangibles, e.g., power and quality of life. Once such unmeasurable and totally subjective inputs are added, the resulting values are flawed, especially since Feminists aren’t the most nuanced or discerning sorts, and their answers most likely skewed their results downward.
Overall though, the right side of the paired diagrams is a lot closer to the truth than the Gender Inequality Myth that Feminists keeping screeching about. But then, Feminism is a huge “industry” in America with a lot of people making their rent off of it, so this has to be expected.
This entry was posted on Saturday, January 7th, 2023 at 9:00 am and is filed under Announcements.
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Paul Klugman, Nobel laureate economist, and deeply entrenched and enriched pundit has always been an arrogant git who loved to lambast and excoriate any critics of globalism – what his school of economics called “Global Capitalism” – as fools and their fears as silly. His position, defended from on high, was that we should not worry about it. He said that unrestricted trade will have, at the very most, only a very minor negative impact on our people’s prosperity and posterity.
Well, that was then and this is now. Klugman has finally admitted that the large number of people whom he thought didn’t understand macroeconomics very well and who were silly were right and he and his fellow Globalist Keynesians were utterly and totally wrong.
To make a long and convoluted story short and – possibly overly – simple: Despite vast numbers of people warning otherwise, Klugman and his fellow travelers both fervently believed that manufacturing moving to Third World nations, e.g., China, would perforce raise wages in those countries, thereby raising the costs of the manufactured goods close enough to those domestically produced so as not to upheave the market greatly. They also grossly underestimated how much and how often corporations would take advantage of both the amazingly low-cost labor pools and tax benefits of such off-shored manufacturing.
In other words, Klugman and Co. arrogantly derided those people who warned them of what globalism would cause and they were completely wrong in doing so. Those “silly” fears turned out to be not so silly after all.
This entry was posted on Saturday, October 24th, 2020 at 8:18 am and is filed under Society.
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The thing is, while she’s wrong about America and Americans, she’s right about her constituency, the Left, and most of the Democrat party. They do want Socialism and they know exactly why they want it.
Why They Want It
Our domestic enemies, the so-called Liberals and Progressives and those minorities sharecroppers that they pander to- and enable do want socialism. They want it even knowing the harm it would wreak upon the nation. Indeed, in a way they want Socialism because of the harm that would wreak upon the nation. This is simply because our domestic enemies are far, far, far more emotionally invested in taking from the successful than becoming successful themselves. That’s why so much of their rhetoric is about “income inequality,” “wage gaps,” and so forth. It’s also why their dead set against anything that actually benefits “the poor” if it also benefits “the rich.”
This entry was posted on Sunday, July 22nd, 2018 at 10:29 am and is filed under Politics.
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The Left and the propaganda corps, the Lamestream Enemedia, have make many rude jests about President Trump’s “Big Hands,” but that doesn’t change the simple fact that under his banner America’s economy has begun its restoration and taken the first steps in its return to greatness and renewed prosperity. America’s GDP, The NY Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, the DOW, and the S & P Index have all skyrocketed from previous levels since President Trump took office. Even exports have increased steadily with President Trump at America’s helm.
And yes! This is largely because of President Trump or, at least, the replacement of Obama with a POTUS who does attack America’s economic might with the bulk of his rhetoric. Obama made companies and investors very nervous with speech. President Trump makes them much more confident in investing in our nation’s future.
Not That The Lamestream Media Wants You To Know This
Of course, you have to do some research to discover this since the MSM is sure as Hell not going to report upon it. They’d much rather “report” things that are largely meaningless to other than the snowflakes and crybullies of the Left’s #resistance.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 at 11:17 am and is filed under Politics.
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