Requiring Voter ID

Requiring Voter ID
Requiring Voter ID
(Click to Enlarge)

As anyone with a functioning and undamaged mind can see, requiring Voter ID is common in countries to the point of nearly being the accepted norm. Only in America are there large swaths of the population and one entire political party who declaim it as wrong and racist. Many nations, in fact, with lower tech levels to secure their elections even mark people’s bodies when they have voted in order to combat voter fraud.

It kind of makes you wonder – or, it should – why the Democrats are so virulently against it. It’s almost like they believe that they need a lack of election security in order to “win” elections.

A Maddening Caveat

The above being the truth and being said, any detractors from Voter ID laws do have valid grievances when any of the several States require valid photo ID in order to vote and then strongly restrict the forms of valid ID while, at the same time, closing facilities where one could get such an ID in areas under the enemy parties control. That’s wrong and stupidly so.

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Don't Let Trump Cheat

Don't Let Trump Cheat
Don’t Let Trump Cheat
Demand Voter ID & Paper Ballots

And, just like that, Democrats want strict voter ID laws and in-person voting with paper ballots. All it takes is their belief that President Trump will cheat to win the 2024 elections. 😆

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All Those Racist Countries

Look At All Those Racist Countries!

Damn! Look at all those racist countries out there past America’s borders. They all require a photo ID in order to vote. Hellfire! Some, e.g., India and Iraq, even physically mark voters after they cast their ballots.

Let’s face it; if requiring Voter ID is racist, as the Dems keep claiming, then these are a bunch of racist countries. Of course, you’ll never hear a Dem or likely Dem voter claim these countries are racist. Much like so many other “racially charged” things, the Dems only believe it’s wrong if America does it.

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The Choice Is Clear

In This Election The Choice Is Clear
In This Election The Choice Is Clear

In this election, unlike sadly too many of them, the choice before the electorate is clear, starkly so in fact. We, the People can vote for- and reelect President Donald Trump, a man who has done more to restore America and further her path to greatness, and who has done even more than that to further peace throughout the world, or we can allow the Democrats to install Joe Biden as POTUS, a man who never accomplished anything in his life, is sadly beset by mental degeneration, and who has spent most of the last year hiding in his basement while the press road cover for him.

Yes, the choice is very clear, very real, and very existential: America or the next step in birthing whatever monstrosity the Democrats want to replace her with.

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2020 Voter Guide

2020 Presidential Voter Guide
2020 Presidential Voter Guide

An American could just go with the 2020 sample ballot, but a more detailed voter guide is a better tool when thinking about the issues that beset our nation and how one could reasonably expect the candidates to approach them.

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