Riot Season Already?

ROFLMAO! Yeah, that’s about the size of it. In the spring a young ghetto thug’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of rioting, arson, looting, raping, murder, rebellion, and race war.
Well, actually it’s not. The Blacks have been rioting essentially non-stop for over a year. The Dems’ media just has largely stopped covering it, either out of national boredom with this “new normal” or as an effort to protect the Biden-Harris regime from political fallout.
Tags: #BlackLiesMatter | #BlackLivesMatter | America | Blacks | Civil War | Coronavirus | COVID-19 | Ghetto Thugs | Humor | Insurrection | Lamestream Media | Media Bias | Niggers | Pandemic | Politics | Protests | Race War | Rebellion | Sarcasm | Society | Thugs | Vermin | War On Whites