A White Homeland
Both the Left and a large number of their minorities often decry any mention of a “White Homeland,” especially if it’s America as a great, long-standing, and virulent evil – an evil to be destroyed along with its proponents. The same sorts also love to claim that this is exactly what any White who disagrees with them want to make America into.
Of course “diversity” is not only demanded by these sorts of only “White Nations,” it is expressly derided and castigated for any “Nation of Color.” Anything seen as adding diversity to those places is seen as “Colonialism” and/or Genocide. At best it’s declaimed as “Cultural Imperialism” and an exemplar of “White Supremacy.”
In America, this is even extended to which neighborhood one chooses to live in. If a neighborhood for any reason has insufficient minorities, especially Blacks but not including most Asians, they bemoan it as segregation or apartheid. Conversely, Whites “desegregating” and moving to minority-majority neighborhoods, again especially Black ones, is equally vilified as “Gentrification.”
Oh! And God(s) forfend that Whites emigrate from their newly minority-majority neighborhood after the new residents have made it clear to them that they’re no longer welcome in the home. That’s “White Flight” and how dare those racists remove themselves and their tax monies from those now non-White areas?!?!
Then, that’s their point and their goal – the eradication of any place that might be considered a White Homeland, and the dilution and eventual destruction of anything that might be considered White Culture.
Tags: America | Blacks | Gentrification | Minorities | Oikophobia | Race War | War On Whites | White America | White Genocide | Whites