Softporn 2020 And Beyond

COVID-19 along with the panic surrounding it has certainly changed the face of the nation. Hence, I’m betting that it has and will change the face – not that you’ll see them anymore – of porn, be it soft or hardcore.
For Better, Worse, Or Just Odd, Things Have Changed
We know that, for better, worse, or just odd, COVID-19 is going to change the entirety of the erotica and true pornography industries in the US. Largely, this is due to the concomitant facts that porn is the – to use business buzzspeak – one of the most agile and resilient industries in the nation, and both shapes and responds to society’s memes and mores.
I’m betting that the preferred positions will change somewhat, but I’m wondering if “raw” and/or “unprotected” with switch from denoting the lack of condom use to the lack of masks. 😆
Tags: 2020 | America | Babes | Beauty | Coronakinis | Coronavirus | COVID-19 | Covidkinis | Masks | Porn | PPE | Sexy | Society | Trikinis