The My Choice Argument

The My Choice Argument
The My Choice Argument

Bluntly put, the “My Body, My Choice” argument from the Left is one I’ve heard – or rather read – in the past. It’s an old argument. It is essentially the same argument used by the majority of anti-abolitionists in the decades leading up to the Civil War.

There’s not much difference in fact or law between claiming that you find the enslavement of Blacks to be abhorrent but feel that it’s not your or the government’s place to deny them that “right” and saying that you find killing and unborn child to be abhorrent but feel that it’s not your or the government’s place to deny a woman that “right.”

It's Not A Person
It’s Not A Person!

And the core of both the slavers and the abortionists are the same, that the victims aren’t persons. They’re not and lesser to humans and have no rights and only the privileges granted to them by their betters. In the case of abortion, the privilege to live at all.

So, no matter how you look at it, the Left’s primary argument in favor of abortion is the same argument with the same core foundation as the argument in favor of continuing to allow slavery in the 1st half of the 19th Century. And, given how the Left has violently responded to the probably overturning of Roe v. Wade, it may well lead to something akin to next Civil War.

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The Choice Is Clear

In This Election The Choice Is Clear
In This Election The Choice Is Clear

In this election, unlike sadly too many of them, the choice before the electorate is clear, starkly so in fact. We, the People can vote for- and reelect President Donald Trump, a man who has done more to restore America and further her path to greatness, and who has done even more than that to further peace throughout the world, or we can allow the Democrats to install Joe Biden as POTUS, a man who never accomplished anything in his life, is sadly beset by mental degeneration, and who has spent most of the last year hiding in his basement while the press road cover for him.

Yes, the choice is very clear, very real, and very existential: America or the next step in birthing whatever monstrosity the Democrats want to replace her with.

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Simple Diet Choices

Liberals and Progressives within America’s borders love to rant, rail, and rave about “food deserts” and “food insecurity” and at the same time about America’s “obesity epidemic,” which they oddly and counterintuitively claim disproportionately impacts the same demographics who are supposedly suffering under those “food deserts” and “food insecurity.”

In some ways the lament of the Liberals and Progressives makes a certain logical sense. Within their internal logic structure outcomes can never be because of choices. Hence, all diet-related issues and outcome must be due to external, societal oppression and must be rectified by the state.

Simple Diet Choices

poor-white-diet Poor White Diet Choices
poor-black-diet Poor Black Diet Choices
(Click Either to Enlarge)

Look, I like fast food as much as the next person, probably even more than most do, but I make the choice not to try to make it mainstay of my diet. Others, especially those who are supposedly The Poor, should make the same choice. Doing so would improve both their economic and health outcomes, the latter dramatically.

And, while the Left and their minority tenants make a lot of excuses for why simple shopping and cooking is beyond the capacity of the poor, that’s all they are – excuses. Even in New York City it’s not that difficult to eat healthily for minimal expenditures – and I’m not talking about trying to live on a diet of bean, rice, and pasta.

All this takes is the will to make simple diet choices and to learn – there’s an internet! – how to enact them. If that’s actually and truthfully too much for some, then that’s simply evolution speaking.

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Feminist Pathology

CryingIt’s impossible for anyone of a rational bent to fail to realize that the Feminists of today exhibit a very strong and destructive pathology and that the pathology they exhibit is the pathology of victimhood.

Feminists have to be victims, otherwise they have no purpose. It doesn’t matter what their choices are or have been; if they don’t get the results that they want, it’s because of “The Patriarchy.”

An example of this is inadvertently provided by Sheilah O’Donnel:

O’Donnel, featured in the “60 Minutes” story pushing a stroller, was, in some ways, an unlikely voice of the opt-out revolution. She had been proudly working since she was 15, when she had a job as a coat-check girl. By 17, she was buying clothes and books and food — and sometimes even paying her family’s electric bill — through jobs that included waitressing and pedaling tourists around downtown Columbus, Ohio, on a pedi-taxi.

She worked her way through Ohio State and, eager to pay off her college loans, got a job selling copiers. She eventually landed in a competitive training program at Oracle, the technology company, where she rose quickly through the ranks, ending up in the top 5 percent of the sales force. She also met the man who would become her husband, Mark Eisel — an up-and-comer in management. They worked hard and became well off. At her peak, O’Donnel was earning $500,000 a year.

But after her first two children were born, O’Donnel’s travel for work became more difficult. She gave up a quarter of her earnings in exchange for working three days a week, but felt marginalized, her best accounts given to others, meetings often scheduled on her days out of the office. “I felt like a second-class citizen,” she said.

O’Donnel’s angst-filled lament on how she was treated by her employer, Oracle perfectly sums the victimhood displayed by the modern crop of Feminists that plague society. Specifically, it addresses the truth of their current, delusional rants about the “Wage Gap.”

O’Donnel, like a majority of women, chose to move her job to a secondary position in favor of raising her children. Yet, as a victim of Feminism, her pathology forced her to blame her employer for making the needed alternations in their practices to avoid being financially harmed by her decision because, according to the pathology of victimology that the Feminists promulgate, it’s their fault for not ignoring the consequences to them of her choices and guaranteeing her the same results as before. Even her use of “second-class citizen” fits the pathology, as it summons up the hoary, old canard of civil rights violations.

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Panties Are Twisting

It's A BabyRight now Liberals’ and Feminists’ panties are twisting. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just overturned the lower court’s decision to block a Texas law requiring that females seeking abortions to have a sonogram exam and to listen to a physician’s detailed description of the fetus.

US District judge Sam Sparks had previously ruled in August that it violates physicians’ free-speech rights – by what legal basis nobody knows.

As Technorati’s contributor, Stephen Alexander writes:

In Texas, the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Texas law that mandates women seeking an abortion to have a sonogram examination and to listen to a physician’s detailed description of the fetus, including whether it has developed limbs or internal organs.

The people who support the law say it is designed to ensure that women are fully informed about abortions. More importantly, they want to discourage women from undergoing the procedure. The law, enacted last year requires all women seeking abortions to have an ultrasound scan, except for those who certify that they are rape victims. Victims of rape are permitted to avoid hearing a description of the fetus or embryo.

Texas’ law will now go into effect and it’s doubtful that anyone will successfully challenge it in the SCOTUS.

Oh yeah, Liberals and Feminists panties are twisting over this ruling. Of course, if these females had kept their panties on in the first place or showed a bit of common sense when they took them off, this issue would never have come up.

It’s, after all, a choice; women have a choice about when, how, with who, and with what protections they have sex.

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