Lazy Fat Ugly Cows

In America, we’ve a far worse problem than politics. We’re crushed under an ever growing horde of lazy, fat, ugly cows. Really! This obesity epidemic has gotten out of hand, grown to unmanageable proportions as it were.

Truly, society needs to intervene and take drastic measures to end this problem. Whole generations of Americans are at risk of believing that curves, especially extreme curves, and full-fleshed bodies are normal and even healthy. That can’t be allowed to happen just to pander to people, especially women, who are too lazy not to be fat.

27 Lazy, Fat, Ugly Cows

Take a good look at the 27 women shown above. All of them are overweight, ranging from merely overweight to morbidly obese and they’re flaunting it as if they believe that people want to see there soft and curved bodies in lingerie and/or states of undress. Worse, these women are all professional erotic models, meaning that they’re actually getting paid to show off their thick bodies.

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Simple Diet Choices

Liberals and Progressives within America’s borders love to rant, rail, and rave about “food deserts” and “food insecurity” and at the same time about America’s “obesity epidemic,” which they oddly and counterintuitively claim disproportionately impacts the same demographics who are supposedly suffering under those “food deserts” and “food insecurity.”

In some ways the lament of the Liberals and Progressives makes a certain logical sense. Within their internal logic structure outcomes can never be because of choices. Hence, all diet-related issues and outcome must be due to external, societal oppression and must be rectified by the state.

Simple Diet Choices

poor-white-diet Poor White Diet Choices
poor-black-diet Poor Black Diet Choices
(Click Either to Enlarge)

Look, I like fast food as much as the next person, probably even more than most do, but I make the choice not to try to make it mainstay of my diet. Others, especially those who are supposedly The Poor, should make the same choice. Doing so would improve both their economic and health outcomes, the latter dramatically.

And, while the Left and their minority tenants make a lot of excuses for why simple shopping and cooking is beyond the capacity of the poor, that’s all they are – excuses. Even in New York City it’s not that difficult to eat healthily for minimal expenditures – and I’m not talking about trying to live on a diet of bean, rice, and pasta.

All this takes is the will to make simple diet choices and to learn – there’s an internet! – how to enact them. If that’s actually and truthfully too much for some, then that’s simply evolution speaking.

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