I Identify As…

I Identify As...
I Identify As…

Yeah, why not? Being trans-slender makes as much sense and show no less sanity than being transsexual or trans-racial. So, I say to go for it. Science, sanity, and reality be damned; your identity is entirely up to you.

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Life After Quarantine

Life After Quarantine

Yessiree! To my mind, the lock-downs surrounding the coronavirus pandemic are going to reshape America. 😆

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That's Why We Call It A "Pandemic!"
That’s Why We Call It A “Pandemic!”

Oh yeah! I’m sure that there’s going to be all sorts of follow-on lamentations about how the lock-downs and various “Shelter in Place” laws will have resulted in an expansion of people’s waistlines only equaled by the contraction of our nation’s economy.

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Your Bikini Body

This is not a Bikini Interlude. It has a purpose beyond mere prurient pleasure. It’s a discussion – read as lecture; I’m nothing if not pedantic – of- and about any and every woman’s bikini body.

Ladies, Your Bikini Body

Yes, it’s April, so we here in the Northern Hemisphere are approaching bikini season. Hence, we’re soon to be inundated with ads for “quick fix” weight-loss programs / products and with you all fretting about your bodies and bikinis – or really, any bathing suits whatsoever.

This Could Be Your Bikini Body

Maybe you have a slim, slender, and/or tight body that fits the mold that our society says is suitable for a bikini. If so, break out that bikini and strap your body into it. Few, though not none, will complain.

If you came by that body of yours naturally, luck you. Enjoy it and the pleasure it brings. If you’ve worked hard and stressed yourself out to get it, accept both my congratulations and condolences. You’ve certainly earned the privilege to enjoy yourself.

Or This Could Be Your Bikini Body

Maybe your body is toned and muscular. Maybe you’re a true hardbodied babe. If so, you’ve either gotten your body to look like that through hard work, intense body sculpting, or some combination of two. Few, if any of note, are going to complain about you in a bikini. Go out and enjoy yourself and the attention you’re sure to garner.

Or This Could Be Your Bikini Body

Or maybe –most likely, probably – you’ve got a curvy, phat, soft body, one that doesn’t meet society’s rather nastily enforced esthetic standards when it comes to wearing a bikini. That’s all good too. Fuck society and the expectations and demands it’s fallen prey to.

If you want to rock that bikini, do so! The haters are always going to find a reason to hate and the rest of us, who are either the increasingly less silent majority or the largest plurality, will either approve or just not care.

Ask Yourself Why, Ladies

Ladies, you should ask yourself why exactly you want to wear a bikini in the first place. Being goal orient is, after all, almost always the best way to go into anything.

If you’re looking for a sexual partner and planning on wearing a bikini to help attract one, then you’re likely to succeed irrespective of whether your body its, tight, hard, or curvy and soft. Men are varied and rarely absolute in our tastes and I’m told that women, if that’s your thing, are even more extreme in this. You’re going to, in all likelihood, get what you’re looking for and have a choice in partners.

On the other hand, if you’re planning on wearing a bikini just for yourself because that’s the bathing suit you want to wear for the purposes of tanning, comfort, or whatever reason, then who cares? In this case, it’s all about you and the attraction for- or approval of others really shouldn’t matter at all.

Ladies, in this case it is your body, your bikini, and your choice. Don’t be afraid of making the wrong choice because there isn’t one.

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Lazy Fat Ugly Cows

In America, we’ve a far worse problem than politics. We’re crushed under an ever growing horde of lazy, fat, ugly cows. Really! This obesity epidemic has gotten out of hand, grown to unmanageable proportions as it were.

Truly, society needs to intervene and take drastic measures to end this problem. Whole generations of Americans are at risk of believing that curves, especially extreme curves, and full-fleshed bodies are normal and even healthy. That can’t be allowed to happen just to pander to people, especially women, who are too lazy not to be fat.

27 Lazy, Fat, Ugly Cows

Take a good look at the 27 women shown above. All of them are overweight, ranging from merely overweight to morbidly obese and they’re flaunting it as if they believe that people want to see there soft and curved bodies in lingerie and/or states of undress. Worse, these women are all professional erotic models, meaning that they’re actually getting paid to show off their thick bodies.

Read the rest of this entry »

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